Man I dunno wtf with me feelign suck lately. But dont worry, I'm only feeling suck, im not really thinking it xD I think I will now blame it on the heat, because holy fucking shit my room is a furnace. I think i may purchase another fan or two. XD
Tuesday was another red letter day with my kids. Involving the fun and fancy religious escapades of one of my girls: "I dont respect anything except jesus!" and " PRAY!!!". Im startign to seriously hate this girl. She pushes around my cute 13 year old student aid, because she is a freaking massive seven year old -.- And she cant add. Or spell. I'm startign to wonder why it is that she's in this program -.-
Evening was ridiculous fun at
Rose of Versailles Fest. ZOMG~ So much FUN XD Random Gumi, Boy Gumi (well, Morris was sort of there because he was on the phone with everyone...?) and Mari xD Good times. Wrassled with Zach and Claudine, and I didnt even really bite him xD yaay~ Dinner was yummiful, and we sort of got sidetracked from RoV by youtube and sharing kickass Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert clips. aahhaha~ <3 fake news. But little do they know, the *REAL* father of fake news is *clearly* Bill Maher. Pfft. Oh Politically Incorrect, I miss you >.<
There was also an uproar about the new 9/11 movie. Lots of screaming >.> But, um...its a movie. Thats what movies do. They memorialize events in an emotional terminology, they're not documentaries. Concentration more on the drama than the facts? I dunno, I can see people being bothered by the "soon"ness of it all, there a proper date? The US was making world war II movies durign world war II. vietnam movies around vietnam, etc. Someone mentioned Schindler's List. You dont think they would have made it earlier, if there had been an audience? Movies are made for when people will watch them. I agree that this is partially pro american propaganda, but that's life >.> Movies tend to have their ulterior motives or whatever. Yes, this movie partially is made for the rest of america so they can, i dunno...get a better sense of what happened in emotional content? People last night mentioned this movie hurting a lot of New Yorkers. I cried during the trailer, it was upsetting. But those were upsettign times...i dont see why this is bad. The only really valid case I saw for this was Mari, but otherwise, how was everyone convinced this was so detrimental to New Yorkers? ...I just dont understand why this movie is such an outrageous atrocity. I didnt really hear a lot of rational thought, just people being angry >.>
So the evening continued with much RoV. Ah, my character was the first to experience a death in relevancy. bleegh. >.< Though. I was pleased to note, that of all the evil people, I was actually the least despicable, so Im actually really pleased. For example, I'm just an evil prostitute controlling a worthless king...later on people start framign mari antoinette and trying to kill her and killing small children and throwing old ladies off balconies. And the whole thing was just awesome with it's 80's flavor and bad organ music xD it was just all around fun ^^ Though, during the evening, I felt like some of the series was more relevent to life than I had previously thought >.>;;;
Also pleasing because it's just nice to have physical contact with people and feel loved and appreciated, so that was nice too ^^ I love hugs and takign naps in people's laps and head scratching and stroking and it was a very soothing evening, for the most part ^^ ...Even though I was completely dead at work the next morning, wtf -.-
Today I was completely dead at work through lack of sleep. Maybe it was my state of semi concious that made them misbehave today but, waar, thats why i will sleep and pry open their little minds with a crowbar xD Further note: My little japanese kid, while really smart, has *got* to stop tryign to look at girl's underwear >>;;
Saw Diana, Anna Sophie, Chris and Ben (yes, my nephew xD) today ^^ Soup eating fun ^^ I look forward to having more Hunterites at Hunter ^^ And <3 Diana, just cause. ...Last class in figure drawing. Will post some stuff up at some point. I need sleep.
What's Going On: thurs - work & sam, fri - family thing, sat - welcome home party (ana), sun - family time, mon - morris?, tues (free, for now), wed - diana & a*sophie. So thats whats going on for now.