My Vagina Can Snap Your Penis IN HALF XD

Dec 13, 2005 01:38


Guess who went to the gynocologist today --

Thats right, me. This is definbatley like, not cool. My vagina is sooo TEENY and muscular..gynicologicla exams are no fun i tell you, none at all. So, my vagina. Another TWO MONTHS before it is expected to heal -.- oh well. at least the leakage is now at a minumum and no longer smells like dead animal. But ARGH. My doctor also whipped out a medical textbook to show me my freaky deakyily located abscess...shit..that really WAS weird. hehhe im the only one to have it in medical history, WHUT.

In other news, i have more work. btu before i go, a meme:

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In November I turned sack_kun in for running naked in the mall (3 points). In October I had a shoot-out with rival gang lords on the 5 near LA (-76 points). In August I signed my organ donor card (28 points). In September I committed genocide... Sorry about that, zen_nine (-5000 points). Last month I ruled Asscrackistan as a cruel and heartless dictator (-700 points).

Overall, I've been naughty (-5745 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!


Also currently hating myself. -.- I blame my asians in the us professor -.- yes, i know no one will ever want me because im a white woman EVER. Thank you for makign sure i dont forget that. But thats okay. I'll just work very very hard and die early so I dont have to live with myself -.- Pfft. Had too many problems to begin with, and we CANT HAVE THAT, NOW CAN WE?

I think I just want attention. I think I need to chill.

Im just a fusty nut without a kernal. And no one ever wants those

surprise! uterus, meme

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