Versatility, Auntie Val Style

Jun 03, 2008 00:29

I was cleaning in sweats. Then I was in a prom dress and heels. Then I was doing crazy heavy lifting and moving in sweats again. And in a few hours, I will be walking in a dress and cap and gown and spiky pretty beautiful is slightly painful heels and *graduating*. I will then return to sweats, move more heavy shit, and then graduate *again* on the following day. WHAT NOW.

Sunday: Macaulay Honors College Senior Cruise
Ehh, it was conceived as sort of kind of like a prom thing; you know, seeing everyone before it all ends and having fun. I wore my prom dress, but was thinking about how much *more* fun I would have at HCHS prom. I watched people I got to know sophomore year dance with each other, and was struck by how close they'd become, recognizing archetypical relationships that I would fit into, and for a moment had that feeling of "wow i could have become friends with these people". I barely know any of the MHC people. I pretty much stuck to Jenny, Liz and May; I hung out with them in freshman year and we stayed friends because all of us are so asocial that we've still remained of similar sort-of-importance in each other's lives. We all have other priorities than the MHC social scene; I am not sorry at all.
Sort-of networked; also got hit on by a creepy guy using a not-too-bad pick-up technique, which might have worked if he wasnt so fucking *CREEPY*. Hot guy from Laos invited me to go drinking with some of his friends afterward, so that was flattering, but I had to pack >_>;
Oh, and I cut my hair on the fly, wheee >_>;;;

Sam is wonderful and gracious and a sweetheart T_T He drove me back and forth between my dorm and my gramma's house *twice* and helped me load and unload the car and omg <3
However, because he is only one man and had to stay with his car "It's illegal to *park* near a fire hydrant, but it's not illegal to STAND ^____^" I moved all my shit including my giant dresser, and refrigerator and insane huge heavy boxes of books down to the car *myself*. I am totally a BEAST. I can't think of another girl that could have done that much insane grunt work, except maybe the kosovskys, but they are also beasts so like... yeah xD somewhere inside of me there is a voice going "no no no!!! this is all wrong, if you dont need men to lift heavy things for you they wont feel special!" but um, oh well XD?
***BEASTY*BEAST*BEEAAST*****~~~ lol i shoudlnt be this proud of myself >_>;;;
My dad gets upset at how much I dont need him sometimes but lol whose fault is that? If you werent such a crazy volatile insane jackass, *maybe* I'd let myself depend on you more -_-; Maybe in general I'm just afraid to rely on men because they keep either failing or getting angry, and lol i just cant have either of those two things happening, lol xD
This *totally* beats having my dad scream at me and whatever available male friend while we move.
Like, a million billion times better. Altogether pleasant and happy and productive. Fun! even ^^
Thank you so *so* much Sam.

"You really need to get a *boyfriend* to do this for you >_>;;"

boy gumi, mhc people, senior year

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