May 08, 2008 03:17
Sleeping way too much yesterday... because my mother's dumb hay fever genes decided to act up, as i simultaneously caught an *actual* cold. Wtf corporeal flesh, GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
I totally heart my boss Susan~
Good Evening: Italian Cancelled and FREE COFFEE like, $5 worth!
...even better was the reason: "You're too pretty to pay for coffee" OMG NO WAI
omg no one ever calls me pretty so even if it was actually because he was too lazy to ring it up, i dont care! compliment <3
The Past 6 Hours: BLAKE POWAA
Finally narrowing it down ...sortofkindofnotreally. Basically, my paper is that blake takes conventional conceptions of the female from biblical/classical traditions, reinterprets them to fit elements of our psyche, and then commences to explain the unity of male and female elements as being necessary for our unity as a person and realizing the full potential of our own inner godliness...something like that?
If you repress/oppress women they go kuraayzay! Oh NOES xD
Caution: When women have snakes associated with them, it means they are going to FUCK YOU UP ^^;;
...I am so pleased, as this adds even more fun dimensions to my tentacular SKILLZ <3
Today: Japanese Quiz, Grad Class, Possible Dinner with JHwo & Xstina zomg <3
"Oh, Prom? Tell me about it! I'm so curious! My generation totally missed out; we were too busy protesting injustice and taking drugs and having constant mindless sex to actually have proms. ...My school was afraid that if we organized in any sort of group, we'd burn down the school... hm, and we might have ^^;;"
man trouble,