Feb 02, 2009 01:58
Question to LJfriends and others subjected to my intermittent ramblings -- Does excessive techy post spam bug you? I have a persistent tech-blog envy, but I'm too disorganized and have too much difficulty writing to set up and maintain one, as useful as it might be for discussing ideas and career marketing. So, when I have a random inspiration and the moons line themselves up correctly for it to materialize in text, I post it here, for lack of a better place. I'm thinking of doing this more often (assuming things actually get written), and I imagine maybe eventually transferring posts to a more formal, exposed (with my real name, etc.) tech blog some hypothetical ways down the road. But, first, I want to make sure I'm not irritating people who don't really care to read stack traces over breakfast. c.c (Yes, I plan to continue to employ cuts liberally.)
So... if it bugs you... Or also if it really doesn't bug you and you'd be interested in more, please leave me a note.
(Next up, assuming I actually write it: How to hack Vista's ALT-TAB behavior and fix the way MS broke it. Hexeditor required. c.c
Alternatively, a case study in application compatibility failure. Or, "Why (classic worksheet) Maple 10 spontaneously disappears on Vista while you're trying to save". And a decidedly disgusting solution.)