(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 23:24

Longish day today, but it wasn’t without its high points. Aforementioned high points probably aren’t worth mentioning as they concern food predominantly. And a lot of driving avec good music.
In the way of the events of yesterday, however, there is slightly more to say. I went shopping and got six new dress shirts for work, and a new pair of black socks to help me look old, conservative, and stale enough for the position I hold. That night I went to watch the fight with W, A, T, M, D, R, and J, and then I left there to go meet V and his brother D. [Ed. Note: I don’t know why I have the need to keep identities secret, but typing out my friends names feels awkward for reasons I can’t put my finger on]. Enough about me writing about my writing, now let’s go back to my hanging at the Mercury Lounge with V & D. We guzzled a couple stouts, went through a pile of popcorn and talked about art and cars. The thing these two bros do best with each other is argue; I just sit back and nurse the drink that ripples with my inaudible chuckles. While there, Shy called cuz she was having a party that night …but I’m too old to change my social venue three times in one night, so I let the machine do the talking.
I came home, fed Tumblers a pile of sautéed mushrooms, and went to sleep. Then the longish day started with its aforementioned high points.

My part of written dialogs that I’ve had with other people:

Haha, Christians; I tend to feel the same way about the majority of them. For all their awful arguments, they seem to have an inexhaustible stream of energy with which to share (force) them on others. I find it difficult to tolerate naive folk, so naturally dealing with Christians can be a strain….but I’m a Christian none the less. To keeps sane, a Christian with a more demanding intellect must tune-out the other sheep, and focus on the Shepard. I’m sounding like I’m trying to sell some weight loss gimmick I know, but I really am being very sincere. Most people that know me as an acquaintance wouldn’t consider me a spiritual guy for I seldom talk about it. This post, however, got me angry because it’s taking information out of context…it’s more that than anything else. I guess I’m always that guy that’d say “Yeah, but that’s based on sales.” when he hears McDonalds proclaim “These are America’s favorite french fry!”. Even though I think their fries are the shit.

Okay, so, to tell you something meaningful….Okay, well, basically Jesus said a lot those Old Testament laws (basically everything in the post) were a pile of donkey crap. It’s still important on some level…it show’s us where we came from, and what things were like before Christ, but after than that, it’s nothing more than amo for Christian haters.

No, no hard feelings at all!
On the subject of organized religion…well, it has become a bad word. And true, it’s not hard to see why. But then, pretty much anything our kind tries to organize loses sight of what it set out to do in the beginning, and becomes a machine for the greedy, corporate types to abuse for their own ends. This is why churches, governments, and every other organization (heck, even natural ones) need to be in a perpetual revamp-cycle if they are to survive
Following Christ is a wonderful thing, trying to organize the faith into a religion is iffy at best. Iffy or not, it is a necessary part of Christianity. Christ himself spoke of a church, and made Peter, one of his disciples, the “corner stone” of this church. I’ve always thought it was interesting that Peter was chosen…he was an impulsive, zealous, and often a real dunce, yet Christ based the church around him. I can only reason that Christ, knowing that people in general are impulsive and zealous, was making a statement that the church certainly IS fallible, it certainly can’t do anything more than strive to be a religious institution, and it should not be given authority over what we believe.
Keeping an organized religion true is a huge responsibility, and the power of reason and choice falls to the members. God, other than providing the word, is very hands off; he won’t butt-in to make sure we’re all being good little Christians, and that’s a good thing.
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