(no subject)

May 22, 2006 10:24

You never think that you have termites until you put your hand on a rail, and you pull a chunk off. You look at the wood, and you can see the passages that have resulted from their round-the-clock gnawing. And then you see the termites.
Well, we don't have termites around the house, or roaches, or fleas, but we do have gangsters. Yesterday Wemblers and I were outside of our hose when we noticed some gang goings on just feet away from our back porch. About ten mexican gangsters were loitering around looking dangerous, when a car full of more of them drove by. The
gangsters by our house through a glass bottle at the car, which missed and shattered all over the road. The car pulled over, and a few mexican jumped out with crobars, and went running towards the aggressors. I packed floppers in the car, and made sure she and Dingo were out of the area before I went to Will's house. The funny thing is that they seem to be coming from old Mr. Flemmings house, who has long since went to a rest home. Something's gotta change.

At Will's house, we went on a run with his cousin, did a few drawing exercises. We then just talked over some philosophical issues. Lot of it was about philosophy itself, and the dangers of knowledge. Will's a philosophy major, so we came from two different perspectives. Of course it drifted into religion. One of the things that came up was that how would the world be different if we were fully sentient, but did not have the knowledge of good and evil. What IS the knowledge of good and evil, and what IS evil. Well, evil is fairly obvious. You know it when you see it. We decided that evil is a seductive force that you can eithe indulge or resist. And having the knowledge of good and evil makes us responsible for our decisions, where an animal isnt. An animal, like a cat, could kill for fun, but it doesnt know that that is evil.

We also went into human sexuality, and how through logic, we trick ourselves into being disgusted by it. It's a situation where ignorance truly is bliss. If you over think sex, what sex organs look like and do (squirt, pulse, inflate, whatever), and basically be objective, the whole ordeal suddenly becomes disgusting. So, a circumstance where being objective isnt the most effective mindset.

Tumblers, the rat, is doing fine. She's drinking from her bottle, eating well, and she gets her playtime. Her cage is next to the chair I sit in, so we have plenty of bonding time. She know's her name, and comes when called (She associates 'tumblers' with getting fed).

Right now I'm just waiting for class. Have about twenty minutes before it starts.
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