Weekend of THUD

Aug 07, 2007 10:59

So on Sunday I went out to help my sister move out of her place in C-ville and load up the truck for the drive to her new place in Northeast D.C.  It's a pretty nice house in a decent neighborhood so I am happy for her.  She has a bunch of job offerings as well so woot for her.  However the weekend itself was made of tired suck.

When I got back from farmville on saturday my sis asked if I could ride with her in the truck on the way up and back so she could have company while driving this big ass thing.  Not having much else to do I agreed to it.  I don't mind moving people and enjoy helping out.  It wasn't a bad idea but it was a tiring trip.  Got to her place in c-ville around 2, loaded up the truck and got on the road around 4:30 or so.  That was already way late for me, I would have rather been on the road by 10.  There was BK for early dinner/late lunch and a wonderful gas fill up of $102 dollars, whee.  We then drove to roommate's place in Louisa and loaded more crap and then went on our way with the three of us.  We had a hilarious incident when we had to turn around on this byway so my sis pulled the truck into a dirt road and I had to run across the road to the other side and tell her when it was safe to back out onto the road.  Then I had to run out into the road and get in as quickly as a I could as we sped off.

We finally got to DC around 10 at night tired and hungry and no idea where to park this big ass truck.  If we parked it on the street we risked our shit being stolen unless we got a lock, or we could try to park it in the alleyway behind the house.  We opted for the alleyway and that was what really made the night.  The alleyway runs in the back of the row of houses and each house has a small area to park.  The truck looked like it could juuuust fit.  Of course it didn't.  There are points that you get so angry that you want to just blow up but you can't because it won't do anything to help.  You are so frustrated at the world but you can't express it in any way or else everyone else will go off as well and things will suck even worse.  All three of us were there as we first tried to maneuver this truck into the alleyway and then tried our damndest to get it out again.  All the while kids were gawking at us from the balconies making cat calls and people were getting out of cars to say stuff.  It was just a mess.

We all really thought it could just fit and then it would be locked up in back of the house and it would all be good.  Instead we drove our to safeway and CVS to get food and a lock.  We got a good lock and I got some tv dinner shit for myself since I was kinda hungry.  We did get lucky and found a good parking spot on the correct side of the road right in front of the house.  We were able to unload a few of the essentials, including the microwave and some beds.  After all that it was around 11:30ish and I decided to hook up the microwave, nuke a tv dinner then go to bed.  Surprise, surprise there was a roach den in the kitchen.  I saw about five of them running around in the kitchen but I was so damn hungry that I just sat there and nuked it while watching the bugs wander around.  After that point the day was done, it was over and there was nothing anyone was going to say about it.  I took a mattress into one of the rooms and promptly went to sleep.  I didn't even care that the mattress had no sheets, my contacts were still in, I was covered in sweat, and I hadn't brushed my teeth.  I just wanted some damn sleep.

So the next day I got up and showered (phew) and helped with more house set up while my sis went to some job interviews.  The landlord came by to help fix the roach issue and I took a nap in the afternoon.  Around 6:30 my sis and I hit the road for C-Ville, mostly because I really wanted to get home.  Other than traffic in DC the drive back was fine.  Got into Cville around 10:30 and then took my car back home.  Driving on lonely country roads at night is both frightening and surreal.  Unless you really know the road well you have no damn clue where you are.  It is so different in the night time since there are no lights at all,  just reflectors.  Anyways, got back at 11:30 or so, played some FFVII and then went to bed.  God that was a long ass two days.
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