The insistent hummingbird

Jul 20, 2007 13:04

    There are a three bird feeders around the house that I know of.  There could be more hidden in other areas.  I wouldn't put it past my dad to do that.  One of those is a hummingbird feeder.  They are very easy to feed and if I ever have a bird feeder it will most likely be for hummingbirds.  All it takes is water and sugar, very cost effective and you get a cool visitor every once in a while.

The hummingbird around here seems to be quite intelligent as well.  Of course you say, "its a bird, how smart can it be?"  Well, it knows who we are and when the feeder is low it politely comes by the window and lets us know.  This first happened to my dad while he was up in the computer room.  The hummingbird flew up and hovered at the window looking at my dad until he got up and went downstairs to change the feeder.  When I heard of this I of course thought it a neat idea that the hummingbird was demanding its food but knew that it was most likely a coincidence.

Then today it happened to me as well.  The hummingbird came up to my window and looked at me as if to say, "my feeder is low, can I get some of my crack water please?"  I resolved to fill it up later on in the day for it.  About an hour later it showed up again and batted the window a bit before flying off.  I gave a few blinks before shrugging it off thinking that is was most likely distracted by the bright ribbon on my window (the ribbon is there to make sure birds don't fly into the window).  However it came back a few minutes later as was just as insistent as before.  I gave up and decided that since it was around lunch time anyways I would go feed it as well as me.

There are of course tons of rational explanations to the behavior of this bird but I prefer to think that it has an intelligence and knows that we feed it tasty crack water.  After all, it's more fun that way.
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