(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 11:25

so today's been pretty exciting at least so far. my adrenal glands have been working overtime this morning

first i woke up at 6:30 (which is usual) and looked at the clock and mistook the 6 for an 8 and promptly freaked out, scaring my roommate awake, before looking again and calming down.

then in lab i was doing lab stuff when i lost my pen. i looked around for it and there's a lip facing away from me at the front of my lab station, so i reach under there, thinking it could have rolled, and what do i find? not the pen, but some shards of broken glass. thank you who ever's at my lab station before me.

i then did some more lab things but still couldn't find my pen, when the girl next to me spills some of her solution (alcohol in ethyl acetate) onto the heating mantle.

which promptly bursts into flames.

she stares at it a second unplugs the heat source and stares some more.
i also stare, but i grab my note book out of the way. she grabs one of the things on fire and moves it closer to my stuff, leaving her (very flammable) notebook right in it's path.
i'm standing staring, the girl in the next hood can't do anything lest she ruin her experiment, the teacher screams, and then one of the guys finds the fire extinguisher in the hall and puts it out. all i could think as i was watching was "i hope it doesn't reach my side, i hope it doesn't reach my side.

and then i have to hurry through my lab as she's cleaning up because she's going to use my data too i guess. and maybe i'm mean, but i didn't let her do anything of what was left because i don't trust her not to mess it up. and then i rush off to my next class which was canceled.

my pen, if any of you were wondering, was hiding underneath my chair.
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