(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 03:54

I’ve come to discover that summer just doesn’t pack the same punch that it used to. A time that was formerly associated with fun and a welcomed break from school is now just the opposite. Work is unsatisfying in just about every way leaving me to hope dearly that after the next couple years of school I’ll at least have a job that can keep me mildly entertained. On the school front it’s looking like UNB unless Acadia or MSVU open some spots on their waiting lists sometime soon. I’ve never really been to Fredericton before so it might not be so bad. Before I can register for classes I am obligated to attend an information session at the University. Most of the good classes are probably already filled at this point and the only one I can make it too is on July 8th, seems like searching for possible living space would also be a priority on the trip. Blah, figures that I’d have a good house and roommates in Wolfville yet no assurance that I can return there.

They’ve been getting me to do a lot of odd jobs at work this year when I’m not covering for one of the drivers. Usually they would just get me to split the driving workload. Perhaps this should be seen as a gateway to building an impressive array of skill sets. I’ve painted an office, cleaned a wall then painted it, swept and separated wood and wire scraps in the loading docks, used the forklift downstairs to shuffle the mild steel around, wandered aimlessly with a broom while trying to look busy because I had nothing else to do, collected and consolidated garbage from various shops, and most recently spent two days scrubbing filth and grime off of some sort of holding tanks. This last bit has been the least favorable outside of sweeping, though with today’s addition of a paint scraper to my inventory of tools great progress was achieved. However the sludge is still wining the war as basically noting short of scraping off the thin layer of paint below the grime is making much of a difference. The end goal is to have these things clean enough to paint, after two days of this busy work I think they should either break out the heavy industrial cleaning solvent or just paint over whatever is still there. Either way, at least for the next few days, none of this is my problem.
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