Approximately 17 years ago, when my brother and I were about 5 years old, we decided to add a new member to our family. We found that new member in a feisty orange kitten who, not even moments after we met him, bit our dad's finger. We named that kitten Hunny.
As we grew, the kitten grew with us and that feistyness never disappeared. Hunny had an attitude and a serious superiority complex, and we loved him for it.
He loved us, too.
He showed his love by meowing at us, putting his butt in the exact spot we didn't want it to be, drinking our water, and being a general marvel.
Hunny was never a mean cat, though. He rarely hissed (only when we bothered him beyond his tolerance level, which, after a few years, was very high) and he didn't scratch (unless you deserved it). In fact, he was a very loving and affectionate cat. He loved sitting with us, on our laps (even when we were in the bathroom, and, I confess, I let him, because I loved him), on our chests, on our keyboards and textbooks, and we liked it that way. We liked him that way.
It is with the heaviest heart that I say that Hunny, sweet and loving and beautiful Hunny, passed away earlier this morning.
I won't go into the details of his death, nor the bouts of sickness he's had over the past year, because that's not important (and, frankly, my heart hurts too much to remember it).
What's important is that Hunny was the best cat you could ever ask for. He has ruined me for other cats and none other can ever hope to compare. I will miss him more than I can bear, but I will for Hunny because he was worth it and he deserves the best. He lived a long and happy life full of so, so much love and I didn't regret a single moment of it.
I love you, Hunny, my baby kitty, more than the entire world, and I know you knew that. You will be missed dearly and a moment won't go by that I won't remember you with all the love in my heart.
I love you so much, Hunny. Go enjoy life in Kitty Heaven, and I'll see you again one day, I promise.