So I went out this weekend to a club. As I was getting a drink I got asked if I was gay or not. FUCKING SCORE! Keep in mind it was a gay boy and his finely tuned gaydar that asked me. But still, I got a cute girl's number when it was all said and done. I'm texting her right now actually. But this is good, I was identified as a homosexual. A totally adorable and cute homosexual but a homo regardless. For some reason being labeled cute and adorable really gets to me these days. I'm not a fucking puppy. Though, if I were I'd probly look something like this.
Isn't she CUTE?! I tried to embed her so you could play with her but it's not working and I'm sick of pissing with it. But her name is Bailey and I'm working on saving enough monies to buy her some shit. Like a doghouse or something. My aunt got me hooked on this fucking thing. I'm adopting a kitten next. But anyways... I recently had to sit and listen to a 5 minute gabfest between three drunk girls about my dimples. I didn't think I had dimples. But whatever, they poked my face and it felt like I was in an old folks home and I was six years old again. It was three pokes away from being traumatic. But anyways,I'm starting to build up immunity to the cute adorable stuff. Yes, I know it's a compliment, but it's not a sexy one. I just thought I had grown out of it and now it embarrasses me just a little, I suppose. But I will say that I get away with waaaaay more shit by being cute. Waaay more shit.
Anyways, Ivy posted some Eliza in Maxim a while ago, so I figured I'd do the same for all those that might of missed out on it. Cause they're really pretty. I likes them bunches.