Jun 14, 2005 22:56
I am glad I leave for New York in two(ish) weeks. I am sick of almost every single person here. time is ticking down, I am really nervous, I have art projects to do before I leave. but most of all there are a couple people here I will miss.
I am sick of cycling back to the same people over and over in my life. I think crossing the country may dissipate some of the stagnation turning my life toxic.
I gave up on Ryan, FINALLY. he is worthless and not really that good of a lay.
I stopped trying to reach David a couple days after he blocked me on AIM. I'm tired of his self-assured shit. I hope he dies and rots and I don't have anymore dreams about him.
as for Josh, I'm not sick of him yet. however, I'm going to stop going over there mornings to "sleep in" with him.
I talked to Spencer a little over a week ago and I realized I really missed him. I dream about him everyday between 2am and 5am. he didn't answer my call tonight. I don't know if he is asleep, resenting me, or keeping his promise to Nolan.
Nolan in the meantime is calling me every single fucking day at least once. I'm sick of it. every single time I free him from one of his clingy, ugly, insecure, horribly hand-chosen girlfriends, he turns around and tries to get with me. NO, I do not want a back massage. NO, I do not want to talk about the fact that I miss your cousin with you because that is what has me looking down when you're over and I've just gotten home from working an 8 hour day after a 2 hour training session. please, oh PLEASE, OH PLEASE, stop calling me every day and invest in someone who "likes you back."
and Carl, stop calling. your phone sucks and you're not getting any.