hi everyone
I'm too lazy to make use of my LJ nowadays
(as is evident)
I think, also, that I may have been overtly cryptic (and hence, perhaps, mildly pretentious) with my recent bout of Blogging In Roundabout Ways That Make Me Appear More Thoughtful And Somewhat Angst-ridden. I can assure you, however, that I am still as peppy (how do I have such words in my vocabularic arsenal -- yes, I did just make vocabulary into an adjective, you'll just have to deal with it) as ever. Clearly I am also still as verbose. Sorry about that.
The past few weeks have been eventful only in the way that a final academic year may be eventful -- decisions, notes, extracurricular obligations, little things that I've neglected to blog about. I used to try to post about every little thing I've experienced, but now the practice seems rather unnecessary (or rather, I got too slothful about it). I think some memories are nicest when we don't take them down, because there is someone else who will remember them, and when we meet again they will say, "Hey remember that time" and we will -- each in our own glossy, rose-tinted ways.
I intended for this to be a short snappy post. Apparently I am incapable of such feats, unless being cryptic and/or purportedly angsty. Cest la vie.
I have just claimed that sometimes it is better not to write about Snapshots From My LIfe, and now I am going to list (because I do quite like lists) the most eventful-sounding events of my past indeterminate period of time (because lately weeks feel like days which sometimes feel like months).
The lesson of today's entry: deal with it.
In no order of specific importance nor chronology:
✈ HP Chalet. Watched Easy A and started a mild crush on Emma Stone. Escaped upstairs when the horror movie marathon started and alternated between listening to the screeches from downstairs, monodeal and scrabble. Stayed over without intending to, crawling into bed at 5 in the morning and struggling not to fall off the edge. I only wish that more people could have come down -- I've missed all the crazy things we get up to as a class.
✈ Faculty Outing 2011: Gladiator. My last event as an Apollo Fac Comm member -- a most curious and surreal thing. It's still sinking in, that and the fact that Tsunami was six months ago. Half a year! Wei Lun and I practically staggered with the weight of it, we had to sit on the steps of the music room and repeat incessantly, "O god, six months, what the hell, remember how it almost rained, shit, dude it's been like half a year since November, what the shit." Funny how closure is so elusive -- it feels like tomorrow someone will say, "Okay fac comm, we've got another banner to paint." It doesn't feel like the end; perhaps it never will.
✈ I have bought many clothes these past few weeks. That's always nice, new clothes.
✈ I also have many new books -- seven, to be exact. And will potentially be rounding that up to eight tomorrow, when I finally satisfy my pretentious yearning for the collection of Jorges Luis Borges' poetry that has been smacking me about the head since Saturday. But, knowing my indecisiveness and the sheer number of books that await me, I may very well step out of Borders with a completely different title in my hands.
✈ In a fit of adolescent, poetic frustration, I banged out an email to my mentor -- even though she has long relinquished her responsibility for me and my fluffy writings -- whining and weeping about my recent inability to write (perhaps, however, not so recent; I haven't been able to write anything satisfying since last December). I hadn't really expected a reply, and was mildly embarrassed to receive one, considering how I had composed the email in a state of delirious exhaustion. She got my name wrong, but I was genuinely touched that she had bothered to reply amidst her crazy schedule. It wasn't anything new, mostly a rehash of advice she had given me before, but it was comforting -- the way you feel comforted when someone experienced shares with you what to do, because they went through the same thing too and they know that it will pass.
✈ I have developed a rather deep crush on Jesse Eisenberg. Not only is he unexpectedly handsome (in the slow realization sort of way), he is also intelligent, sensitive, and someone so dedicated to acting that it inspires me. It makes me want to act again -- and really, anyone or anything that makes me want to go back on stage, and to really want to get into a character, that's pretty much someone who I can rightfully say I look up to. And not just crush on. Although crushing takes up a fair bit of it.
My god. Come on.
(Also: the guy on the left has my expression down pat)
✈ I have hit 600 posts on my tumblr! O gee wow.
Also it is 11.45 and I should be asleep. Here everyone, have an abrupt ending: good night.