April is looking better than March

Apr 02, 2009 14:04

I've finally just about got my life back together after letting what's supposed to be a part-time job take it over for a while. Note to self: don't do that again. I'm behind on my New Things and will be catching up soon!

As a bit of a present to myself and a reminder of my realigned priorities, I'm planning to run my club's "Road Running Championship" in May and June, assuming I can coax my recalcitrant left big toe joint to participate. You just have to complete three particular club events, of 10km, 15km and 25km. Since I've never done more than half marathon distance (21.1km), it's a little bit of a challenge, especially since I haven't run further than 5km this year, but doesn't seem too daunting. Running is very much something you do for yourself and that's what I want at the moment. I've pulled out the low-mileage, three-day-a-week half marathon program I used in 2006 and have checked off the first two runs!

Unlike the last time I did much running, I'm determined to not let the horse riding go by the wayside either. Here's some pictures I had someone take after I got back from Sweden, to send to some work colleagues over there who have horses. Fun as the riding in the snow was, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis!

The sparse mane and tail are a feature of the breed, not a hideous defect in this particular horse.

Not sure what I'm doing with my hands here, but I like this one for the alpacas in the background. This is the view from the front of my house.

This kangaroo was so big I thought twice about walking past him to feed the alpacas the other night.

I'm still loving Boston Legal. I think that's a record length of time for that new-fandom feeling for me. Can't wait for Season 5 (look at that gorgeous cover!) to be released in early May.

And one more thing that's making me happy is this statement from vito_excalibur in a metafandomed post a few weeks ago:

Here is the price I pay socially, as a hippie, as an LJer, as a fangirl: people don't respect me.

Here is what I buy with it: I don't have to act respectable.

Replace hippie with "single" and "woman who doesn't like children" and "doesn't even work full time" and that's me. What a freeing, joyous thing it is not to have to act respectable!

fannishness, horses, boston legal, running

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