I took my horse for a ride and soaked up some trees and solitude before heading into the city to spend the day with Mom, sister, BIL and nephew.
Something broke on my car again on the way into town. However, this is much less stressful on Christmas morning than in workday traffic, and we made it all the way there in a careful, bumpy fashion. Now I've dumped it on my mother and taken hers, so I can get to my social and work obligations for the next few days. What's up, car? You've only done 90,000kms, which makes you almost new from my point of view! Obviously you want to spend more time at the expensive car day spa.
My main present was a new bin (garbage can). I've wanted for some time to replace my old plastic one whose lid never stayed closed.
You can also see my other presents: two-stroke oil for the chainsaw and three kinds of tape. We lean heavily towards the practical in my family.
While nephew napped I read the first half of Victory of Eagles and was shocked, shocked I tell you, by the number of typos. This is the paperback version that just went on sale in Australia. It must be really disappointing for an author to have their publisher make such a hash of their story, particularly when there's no doubt they could do a better job themselves if they posted it online.
The food highlight of the day was home-made ice cream pie, with an Oreo cookie base, vanilla ice cream, and a topping made from Lindt dark chocolate and almonds.
sarren called while we were still opening presents to say there was a Boston Legal Yuletide story with an enticing summary ("Alan defends a fan fiction writer sued for copyright infringement, and Denny learns about slash"). It's really good, too, full of fun meta about slash:
Fanfare, Fan Fiction and the Fourth Wall My other favourite from my first glance at Yuletide is this short, poignant glimpse of the band on the Titanic:
The Last Dance