victorian_tweed tagged me for this last week and I told her I could only think of two, but then decided that wasn't a very good effort and have since thought harder. I always enjoy reading these things (which means, I'm going to break the rules and not tag anyone, but will definitely read yours if you post them!).
1. I don't like belly buttons and once received a complaint from a sexual partner that there were little bits of fluff and general debris in mine. I'd never looked at it closely until then. Now I steel myself every so often and give it a quick once-over.
2. I hold a pencil in a tight grip on my 4th finger, not my 3rd, and have what used to be a big bump on the top joint of that finger as a result. It's gotten smaller over the years as I've typed more and handwritten less.
3. I'd rather go to the movies alone than with anyone, if it's for something serious I really want to see. I was a bit nervous about seeing The Return of the King and Brokeback Mountain in a group. (But it was fine. I sat next to
doctor_k_ and
bardiegrub respectively and I can recommend them.)
4. I recently rediscovered four yellow account books in which I recorded every single cent I earned and spent from the day I got my first job at 14 until the end of high school. I laughed and laughed when I saw them. Dire Straits record, $3.99! Pony tail bands, $0.99! Bus fare, 45 cents! Driving lesson, $15! I can accurately report that on 29 March 1986, I spent $1.50 on Easter eggs for
doctor_k_, and it cost $20 to fill my first car with petrol.
5. I've kept a handwritten diary for every day of my life since 31 December 1990, after someone gave me one of those date books with quite large spaces for Christmas. Before that I only wrote occasionally about major events, since then I've recorded everything. It is immensely useful to me in more ways than I can count, grounding and motivating and comforting and instructive all in one.
6. I was 27 before I realised that the appropriate response to "I'm pregnant!" isn't necessarily, "That's terrible! What are you going to do about it?" (Yes, I actually said that to someone, who was, of course, pregnant on purpose. Fortunately she still speaks to me!)
7. My strongest emotional connections with men are almost all with former bosses, many of whom I've kept in touch with for years. I'm much more comfortable in a work environment than a strictly social one.