That wasn't there last time I looked

Jul 27, 2006 20:36

I'm glad this didn't happen on Sunday or some of us might be a little flatter than we were before...

I'll have to get out the chainsaw!

Had my first philosophy lecture today, then went to the library, and after asking the highly trained librarian1 a very technical question ("How do I get a library card?"), took out a couple of books.  One's by my lecturer, about the ethics of caring as demonstrated by mothering, friendship, nursing and citizenship.  The other I stumbled across last week, via a page called "Women in Philosophy", where I saw a name I recognised from school.  This person is now a research fellow at an inter-university centre for applied philosophy (yup, I'm impressed) and has written a book about the effect of computer-mediated communication on interpersonal relations - largely, on whether or not it's possible to form true friendships via the internet!  That's a topic near and dear to my heart and I was thrilled to lay hands on her book today, after being slightly deterred by the US$125 price on Amazon.

1 ::waves to laylee.  And maharetr, and imkalena.

philosophy study, trees, property

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