Mag 7 viewing of the episode Obsession last night at
emma_in_oz and
special_trille's. This is a great show to watch in company, because with seven main characters it's hard to catch everything that's going on at once. It's fun to see what others notice.
Such as )
Here we go again with the ill-informed vid feedback. Maybe I can revisit it once I actually see some of the show!
I had the N&A plot briefly described to me when friends first showed me the MC tape a couple of years ago, and I remember paying reasonably close attention to the characters as they explained what had happened. Eric Close didn't make the slightest impression on me then. There wasn't even a blip on my attractiveness meter. (As far as I know, I was sane at the time.) I needed the long hair to spark my interest!
Kryptonite gives me a few peeks at what might be under all Vin's clothes!
My favourite scene in Half The World is the one where Michael is wearing the Atari T-shirt and walking with Lisa. Something about his expression reminds me more of Vin there than anywhere else. I thought the contrasting piano scenes were excellent, too.
(Re-read Last One Standing and Cold Enough to Snow today after 36 hours with no Mag 7. Actually, I played Last One Standing in my head in the car on the way home, then read it to double-check. Then read Cold Enough, since I needed a little more. So very happy you wrote in this fandom!)
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