SPN S7 finale, upcoming House series finale

May 20, 2012 10:21

I learned this morning that a Sam and Dean moment from the promo was cut from the aired episode, and have now gone from thinking the finale was a bit emotionally flat to being actively disappointed. Even those three seconds would have made things a lot better for me!

If you also missed it, the promo with the "Don't get killed." "Yeah, you too." exchange is here.

I haven't been as emotionally engaged with the show as I want to be since I was in New Zealand, which was the week of 7x19. 7x20 was fun, but that's the only episode since then that I've really enjoyed. The biggest problem for me is that they didn't really go anywhere with Sam's Hell trauma, or Dean's drinking / depression. I was so, so interested in Dean's drinking problem, and the focus just came right off it. It's been nice to see Sam and Dean getting along and working together well, but that alone isn't enough to hit my buttons when there are so many issues going mostly unexplored. I've been thinking about other shows I love for the slash potential in which watching the characters work together well would be be enough to keep me happy. I guess watching people get along is satisfying in itself if they're still building their relationship and getting to know each other, but less so when they've known each other all their lives and you know there's so much that they could be talking about but aren't.

I did like the Leviathan food plot. My favourite moment in the episode was probably the woman leviathan's smile in the board meeting after Dick said the sushi was made of "fresh orphan". Her pleased expression was really creepy! And the ending sets up interesting possibilities for S8. But why oh why would you cut a short, already filmed Sam and Dean moment when there were relatively long scenes that didn't really go anywhere, like Polly getting changed into a dress. I don't want my favourite moment to be about an extra!

Possibly my engagement with SPN has also (temporarily, I hope) waned because House has unexpectedly racheted up the emotion to such stratospheric levels that nothing can compare. I feel an almost missionary zeal about it and am having to restrain myself from going door to door throughout fandom:

Knock knock. Hello! You don't know me, but I see you wrote a House story in 2006! And it doesn't look like you've watched for years! But did you know... Not interested? Well, please take this pamphlet.

Hello! You made a great House/Wilson vid in 2007 and I just wanted to let you know... Storyline not something you can watch? That's very understandable. I'm sorry to bother you.

Hello! And so on. Don't worry, I'm not actually doing this (well, except for one or two people I know in person), but it's hard not to. I'm consoling myself with the thought that many of those people probably do know what's going on and are waiting to see what happens in the finale before deciding whether to watch the final arc, which is a solid plan. I am desperately nervous (and thrillingly fannishly engaged, which is how I want to feel) for Tuesday.

house, supernatural

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