Fandom Appreciation Challenge - Day 3

Mar 25, 2011 16:51

Today we're supposed to rec three fanworks more than 6 months old.

More vids:

Rise, The West Wing, by chaila43. I wouldn't expect for a moment to like a West Wing vid to a rap song, but I love this. I get quite emotional watching people stand up to the word "rise"!

We Go Together, Star Trek Reboot, by such_heights. I hadn't seen this before today, but it has 9 pages of comments, so it may not be new to anyone else! Star Trek to a Grease song, lots of fun!

Hell of a Place, The X-Files, by giandujakiss. I bought some secondhand X-Files DVDs in the Help Brazil auction and went looking for a vid to whet my appetite. It's now thoroughly whetted.

Bonus rec that I'm sure I've recced before: Disappearing Man, Lord of the Rings, by melina123 and feochadn. A mostly Eowyn vid to a beautiful song: "Will you bloom, bright and fierce, will you know you don't need him any more?"

recs: vids, fandom appreciation challenge

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