Angel 5x15, A Hole in the World

Oct 10, 2010 22:05

One of the best episodes of television I've ever seen! One great moment after another:
  • The cross from Fred in her parents' home promising to be careful to her torching a demon in a cave.
  • Gunn pretending to Wesley that he and Fred were getting back together (one episode after Fred and Wesley finally got together) and then having to stop because Wesley's face was going to make him weep.
  • Angel and Spike having a long, loud, stupid argument about cavemen and astronauts.
  • Spike's "Are you saying we should start annoying other people?" when Angel tells him that it isn't working out to have him around.
  • Lorne's look of horror when Fred starts to sing, just before she coughs blood and collapses.
  • Wesley's "She's smarter than all of us put together. She knows it's bad."
  • Wesley shooting his employee for interrupting him and not being hard at work on saving Fred. "Jennifer, please send anyone else who isn't working Miss Burkle's case to me."
  • Lorne punching Eve before ordering her to sing.
  • Angel's "Come on. Let's save the day" to Spike and the scene of them walking out of the room side by side.
  • Angel and Spike being afraid of flying!
  • Spike asking Angel to go to a West End show with him once they've saved Fred.
  • Fred's "I am not the damsel in distress." I was slow to warm to Fred - I guess I thought it should take less long to recover from five years in a hell dimension - but I thought she was wonderful long before this episode.
  • All the Fred and Wesley scenes as she is dying. They get so little time as a couple!
  • Angel's "Just hold my hand" to Spike at the start of their fight with the demons guarding the Well.
  • Knox's "I practically worship it" (rather than her). I'd been wondering what kind of evil he'd turn out to be!
  • Gunn being responsible for letting the sarcophagus through Customs.
  • Drogyn telling Spike not to ask questions or he'll kill him. Spike's "...That was a statement" and then "What's your favorite color? What's your favorite song? Who's the goalkeeper for Manchester United?" I was nervous about revisiting Spike post-Buffy, but he's utterly surpassed my expectations so far.
  • Drogyn saying to Angel "Your friend likes to talk" and Angel replying "So much that he's even right sometimes."
  • Drogyn's "It requires a champion" and Angel's "You got two of those right here." Finally Spike gets some acknowledgement from Angel!
  • Fred's "I walk with heroes" and Wesley's "You are one." Fred's "I need you to talk to my parents. They have to know I wasn't scared, that it was quick." (She was and it wasn't.)
  • The horror of Wesley having to see what rises in place of Fred.

  • Angel was my birthday present from the slash group, so thank you very much!


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