Old Woman.
· The old woman’s face was whiter than a piece of paper with deep, dark wrinkles around her eyes and also dark circles around them, like she had not slept in decades. Her cheeks where flat and sunk into her face, so much so that you could see her cheek bones, also her nose was ENORMOUS!!! There are no words to decide how large her nose was you probably could fit a full grown elephant up one nostril. I think I may have over-exaggerated there but you get the picture she had a large nose! She was wearing old, tatty clothing which made her look even older than she probably was.
However the weird thing was that she only had one leg, I wonder what happened to the other one. My reasoning is that some of her fellow natives cut it off as compensation for not having enough pennies in her pocket. Hang on a minute know I think about it she had a walking stick made from a human arm. You could tell it was an arm because there was a rotting closed had for the head of the walking stick. The end of the walking stick which was touch the flood there was a massive pool of blood coming from the open wound or you could say where the arm had been dismembered from the rest of the body. Otherwise the Old Woman looked just like a friendly old woman.
She was in the corridor, as I think as I was leaving the hospital but at the time I never thought why she was there or what she was up to because at that time, I think I was distracted by her clothes and where I was going but I think I was heading home but why did I not notice here walking stick or missing leg. Anyway this friendly old woman looked at me, and recoiled in terror at the sight of me and then there was a look sadness in her face like she new what I was. Her face overwhelmed me like she had known what I was before I did and what I was going to become but I don't know if I would ever know what she thought I was. The terror in her face will stay with me for ever, even know I still remember her scared, frightened expression but there was nothing in that place from me I was only born there.
However then she started ranting at my parents. My parents later told me what she was yelling and this is what they said to me word for word;
“You should give her to my people as you would call us… The natives, and let them bludgeon her to near death then rip her beating heart out of her chest, then stab it many times with a stake till it is beating no more and burn it on a fire. Then take out the brain and cut the brain into it’s two hemispheres, from there we will get the left hemisphere pump it full of water till it explodes. Then scrape the brain matter up and give it to us to eat so we can become intelligent and improve our Analytical processing. Then with the right hemisphere
[1] we will put it in a juicer and let us use it as paint for our walls. Then remove the rest of her organs and shred them to pieces and then make pies out them. Then dissemble the rest of my body limb by limb and remove the skin from her little bones and throw the skin in a blender and turn me into a Squash for her people to drink and for my bones feed then to the dogs for this child is a devil and need to destroyed in the proper Urkwood manner, in the best possible way the people can think off.” My parents would not tell me what they said to her but they must have said something like;
“Who are you to tell us what to do with our child, she is not the devil she is a baby so fuck off. We will not listen to your disgusting idea’s about what to do with our daughter, so with all this said we will take our leave. If we where not in a hospital I would take your head clean off.” However I can not be saw if this was said but I only hope that is what they said.
In addition to creepy, no longer nice but evil very old woman, I saw another, a man; he looked quite young and was the only person who at the time would actually look at me with a happy sensitive smile on his face, his smile made me glow at the time. Hang on a minute this person has some resemblances of that man, I saw and spoke to and the man that told me to look into my past is this what he was trying to tell me that he saw me when I was born but how is this helpful. However that is impossible I probably have just put two and two together and assumed he was there it couldn’t have been him because he looks the same age as the man, wouldn’t he be younger than he was.
Okay so I can say something, that the dude I saw resembles the man I just meet in Paris but I was born so look ago, he would have changed, without that was his father but why would this be helpful. This doesn’t tell me anything. Ohh year I need to get make to the story, telling you about my first moments on this earth!
[1] Brain knowledge was from a psychological study about split brain patients.