Ze Doktor's Personal Log

Aug 06, 2010 21:49

Sometimes, when colleagues are socializing, zey posit trivial inquiries to each other: If you were stranded on an asteroid outside ze space bridge netvork, what five vorks vould you vant to have vith you? I never gave zis much zhought, until I found myself suddenly removed from my operating zheatre. Now, I have only what was stored in my data tracks.

I have been re-reading zhat classic Cybertronian literary vork Narzitron and Goldbug by Hermihex. Zis is ze fictional account of a rather stoic scientist of the organization known as ze Air Command and his vital young pupil. Narzitron is a very influential mentor to Goldbug. I always associated with Narzitron and his position of power in being perceived as a friend to Goldbug, vile also having some authority as one among his instructors. It is a position vich can be very useful. Heh heh.

I do not so much care for ze part of ze story vere Goldbug is away on his missions, particularly ze part vith ze tvins. But, I find ze end very satisfying, ven Goldbug, no longer so vital and inexperienced, returns to Narzitron and does great vork under his vatchful optics. I do so like how he seems to have no choice but to to return.

[ooc: If the allusion was not obvious, the fictional work described is based on the real novel Narziss und Goldmund by Hermann Hesse, aka Narcissus and Goldmund.]

personal log, person: first, voice: ic

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