Mar 07, 2011 20:33
So, my mom got me a guitar. O__O For my eighteenth birthday, apparently. I mean, I've been talking about wanting to learn to play, but um. Never expected anything to come of it. Well, it's not like it's a really good expensive one -- it did come as part of a "Guitar Basics for Dummies" set, hahaha. I've looked at the booklet it comes with, but I don't know how much I should rely on only that. Some of the things it says completely contradicts what other people have said online (e.g., where on the frets you should press). I've been taking it out pretty much daily to mess around with, but I still don't really know what I'm doing. My left-hand fingertips are kind of in between pain and numbness right now. Hurr. :V Anyone out there play guitar/have any tips in general? If not, 's cool. I'll muddle my way through, like I've been doing.
Our school musical is coming up this weekend. We're doing "West Side Story," and I'm in the pit. This year's cast/crew/pit is HUGE: about fifty in the cast -- and pit numbers thirty-five with the five or so professional musicians hired to help us out. The actors are pretty good; I know most of the lead characters, and from what I can tell of their offstage personalities, I think the casting was done really well (especially considering we've got a new director this year). For some strange reason, our Tony was originally going to be someone else. . . . A few days in, they changed things around so that Z was Tony, not K. I have absolutely no idea why. I'm not very connected to out theater kids, so I haven't heard about the reasoning. My own theory says that Z has a height advantage over K (who is now playing Action, and a very good Action he makes), which would make kissing scenes with our Maria (such a pretty voice!) more aesthetically pleasing. But I'm actually completely making things up. :| We perform Friday and Saturday evening (7:30), and Saturday afternoon (2:00). So far, the pit's rehearsed with the actors a total of one (!) time. Ahahahahaha /shot
Also, I've lost a piccolo. >__> I borrowed one from our middle school (I love our middle school band director; he's amazing. ♥) and now I can't find it. Ahhh. I asked him last time I saw him if he took it back (because, like an idiot, I kept it out in the open in the high school band room) -- and he said no. D: I feel awful for having absolutely no idea where it could be. alskdjf;alskjf;a