Oct 19, 2006 20:21
Funny Army Moment # 147 - Scenario - The Electronic Range, shoot/no shoot scenario, a group of media personnel are harassing a soldier, and you have the option to either shoot or not shoot, and you have to judge based on Rules of Engagement...And what do I do? I shot the camera man...
Drill Sergeant - "Number 3, why'd you shoot?"
Me - "Drill Sergeant, i saw a gun on the camera man..."
Drill Sergeant - ".....alright next scenario....."
Funny Army Moment # 1 - Scenario - 43rd AG Reception Batallion, Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri, my first night in the Army, the guy sleeping beneath me in the bay (who happens to live next door now) tries to make friends...
Heath - "Hey So....Soka....you! What's goin on? Readin your smart book?"
Me - *With an angry apathetic scowl* "....yea....."
Heath - ".....How ya doin?...."
Me - *still with scowl* ".....fine....."
Heath would later tell me he though I was psycho and was going to kill him or myself...