(no subject)

Dec 15, 2014 15:23

Had to go to Costco this morning to get the tires that I bought a few weeks ago installed. Since it took a little over an hour, I spent some time shopping and I ended up buying myself an iPad for Christmas. It is a 32g iPad Air (so last year's model) that came with a $40 iTunes card. I also picked up a few other things (Korean bbq pork jerky - so good, like meat candy). At least I have my new tires now for the winter.

I spent a bunch of time this afternoon downloading all my Nook books, Kindle books, Audible audiobooks, Solitaire, HBOgo etc. I think that I have set up iCloud for my iTunes. I also ordered a case. I should read my new iPad book and check on Ravelry for some good knitting apps.
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