Cyan version 8.304820184845 is in the making (Entry 1)

Aug 11, 2008 13:55

Hey all, I know, I know, I haven't been diligent with the posting lately, but I've had a few things go on in my life. LET US START FROM WHERE WE LEFT OFF.

So I finished my stint at IBM. I now have a lanyard with the IBM logo on it, and a few new wrinkles, but some nice sculpting on my legs from the gym there. HUZZAH. No really, for the first 2/3 of my stay there, I did absolutely NOTHING except look at training modules and play soccer. Oddly enough the traits that gave me glowing reviews in smaller companies were what brought down my marks there. Big picture person? Don't need that when you're just a cog in a gigantic MEGA-CORPORATE CLOCK. Didn't get a great mark, but what the hey. There are other big companies out there.

Google? I'm looking at you. (no, not really)

I went to Poland with Arthur and his family. Arthur's dad's oldest sister's youngest son (say that three times fast) was getting married. (Give that a moment to sink in.) And of course, you're allowed to bring a guest to the party. I jumped on the idea because it was an excuse to go somewhere and enjoy the company of locals. Except this time I have a translator to help me enjoy the company of said locals, and they have to like me anyway because I'm attached to their relative.

During the winter holiday I went to Hong Kong with my mom, dad, brother and Julia (she really wanted to go to Hong Kong). It was my paternal grandfather's 90th birthday, so all of that side of the family got together for a huge banquet.

Went back for my last year of school. I would really, really like to say that I put my nose to the grindstone (or whatever the saying is... I never really understood that phrase) and start studying, get organized and generally become a better student.

Lasted three weeks.

There were a few shining moments in my final year. I took astronomy and walked away with a 74%, much higher than the class average. Introduction to New Media taught me about ten times more about the world we live in today than first year sociology. But in the second half of the term, I completely slacked off on a philosophy course, which forced me to drop it when I couldn't catch up, handed in a history assignment a week and a half late (dropped my final essay mark by eighteen percent), and although it had more to do with sheer luck, had a partner forget her lines in the FINAL PERFORMANCE.

I think the weight of being unsure of my next steps is finally starting to bear down on me. I'm tired of English with it's writing and reading about nothing of any importance whatsoever, I can't see myself continuing into a professional drama career since I cringe at the though of dealing with all the ego and individual restrictions that comes with it.

Needless to say, I am now graduated from my program, University of Toronto, Honours B.A. in English and Drama, and I am doing NOTHING with it. I am going to take a year off everything, take up a low-pay, low-stress job and figure out what the hell I want to do. Maybe I'll take up a few language courses, spend some time tying up loose ends and take a few courses just out of interest.

I'm giving myself a year deadline to look into my options and then I'll take a plunge. By that time I think I would have enough experience to know more clearly what I want for myself.

And while we're here, I might as well show you some quizzes I took!

I've also resolved to keep in closer touch with people I know. If you guys want to meet up, please give me a shout!

This is hardly the end of my writing, so stay tuned and I'll put up the next chapter of my life so far (TM)
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