Mai site is teh kaput! ;_; Nothing's working, but the oktagone site be teh run! What up, yo?
*drops the leetish wannabe yakkity*
But, yesh, my site is dead for whatever reason. You can still vote, tho!
So, yeah. Do that. XD 'Cause you can't via the site right now...
*Looks at calendar* Halloween night, I shall offer my present to my readers. However, unlike most Christmas presents, mine requires them to work. >:D I'll be having a voting drive, kiddies, and if you all reach my semi-realistic goal, I'll have a semi-realistic one set for myself. *nods* More on that in 7 days! ^__^
BTW, if you all wanna see a huge leap in readers, just gimme a dollar. ^^ Yup. I can advertise on BCX for a dollar a day. And several petty fools will see my banner when they vote. :D If there's interest in this, I may have to find out how to link to mother's Paypal account for donations. Yup.
But otherwise, I'll just cry. Because none of my fans have money. *dies* That's why, despite the Football Song, I never sold a single copy of my CD. ;_; Not even to Gym. ;_; And now the playlist is unaccessible due to having a new compy since it was originally set up. So now, no new albulms until I get bored and finish Clear. Le sigh.
OK, so I won't cry. But I can dream. ^^; And act like a drama kid. :D 'Cause... well... none of the other Newspaper guys will punish themselves for others' amusement by allowing Tristan to "hit" them upside the head (from across the room, mind you) with an empty water bottle. I do quite well for never having taken the stage-acting bit of Thearte Arts. ^^ Way to skip a whole class, Sam... e.e