~It felt like my stomach was about to punch my brain

Jan 29, 2019 20:13

Yesss I got Pirahna Plant in Smash, hehehe.

Ugh I feel bad for not updating here more often, it feels like I just have like five different projects going on here all vying for my attention! And that makes me feel even guiltier when I just end up zoning out or playing Smash or something instead of working on any of them... or when I WANT to work on something and for some reason I just can't get my brain to focus so I can do it, it's frustrating.

Nana continues to appear in my dreams regularly, although they don't seem quite as vivid now. I did have a dream that jerked me awake with a gasp last night though, but I can't remember what it was. I'm thinking this year I might just take the week she died off entirely to try and take a little pressure off of myself.

I should have something cool in store for the ladies' anniversary on the 31st! I can't believe it's been nine years. :O They're still hanging around! Like Edgar and Scriabin, I don't think they'll ever fully leave me. They just need a certain stimulus to wake them up and they'll run around again, I'm sure.

I woke up with the urge to go to the local YMCA to see if they had any LGBT groups there or anything, which they didn't really, but then I asked if they had yoga classes out of curiousity and they did! So before I knew it, I signed up for a membership and now I'm going to go to yoga three times a week. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep that commitment at first, but as I was sitting in the car thinking about it I was like, no, I can do this, I can keep up with this. Exercise is supposed to help you feel better and get more in touch with your body (which would be good, since I've felt increasingly detached from it for some time) and I know it's just a good thing to do all-around. And it helps me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Yoga is easy enough that it doesn't burn up all my meager stamina either, which is also ideal. I've gone a few times now and I tend to always feel better afterwards. I'm really going to try and keep this up if I can. I know it'll be good for me, even if I don't feel like going sometimes. And I feel good for deciding to do it and seeing it through each time I go, haha. I know it's probably a small victory, but I dunno. Sometimes you need those, you know?

I should really post some art here again...

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!
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