~I leave for 20 minutes and Evil Co. is in shambles!

May 09, 2015 15:27

Ultramega Ok! recording! Actually two, one from last week and one from this week because I'm lazy, ugh. The first one

CarboHydroM, ScaredSim - Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sounds of Liberty
FamilyJules7x - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Old Snake Theme
RoeTaKa - Super Castlevania IV - Oblivium Sempiternum Daemonis
Dj ThirdEye - Final Fantasy VI - Day of Ruin
Chris Brayman - Quest for Glory II - Your Friend, Ad Avis

Day of Ruin is a lot of fun, haha.

And the second one

Anti-Syne - Final Fantasy VI - There Will Be Blood
Jesús Chic Acevedo, Pearl Pixel, ZackParrish - Final Fantasy VI - A Legacy Forgotten
GlacialSpoon - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Saria's Drop
Josh Whelchel - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Link to the Past - Zelda's First Trip to the "Village"
jaxx - Chrono Trigger - Master Mune
Ailsean, Nikolai - Final Fantasy VI - The Next Day

Bleh couldn't get my thoughts together for any of this one, oh well.

Let's see, other news... oh, a few days ago the FBI went and searched the house next door! There were at least eight agents or so going through their stuff and looking in their backyard. I didn't want to get involved so I didn't ask any questions, but it was very strange.

It's getting harder and harder to motivate myself to make actual substantial posts about stuff lately. That could just be a question of general motivation though, like it's hard for me to get up the energy to even color stuff lately even though I want to, it's always an uphill climb, so like, just finishing a thing and tossing it on tumblr with a one line comment is like the extent of my focus. I should really break the habit, but it's tough. More and more LJ feels empty, and it's like, why not just put off entries until later? Why not just leave making a real post until tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow? It feeds into procrastination habits, it's a bad cycle really. It's just sort of sad to look back over previous years and see so many posts about so much stuff and all these people and it's all just dwindling off more steadily as time goes by.

In other news, the 2-4 stage play has finally happened! As far as I know NO ONE HAS WRITTEN UP A REPORT ABOUT IT, THIS IS KILLING ME. There ARE some pictures though, which, though intriguing, only raise more questions. What does the Celeste ghost say to Maya, how does the whole love square play out, are Franziska and Adrian still super gay about each other, IS JUAN ONLY IN THE PLAY TO BE STRANGLED TO DEATH ON STAGE OMG
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm so curious, i hope someone writes up a review or something soon
if i can i'm totally buying the dvd when it's out i don't even care

Speaking of Adrian and Celeste

CLEANED IT UP haha. I did this really late at night, it's sort of fuzzy for me now.

I've also been playing this cute phone game called Neko Atsume, it's so adorable. Basically you leave out food and toys for cats, and they come by and visit and do cute things and leave you fish. I thought it'd be tricky to install on my phone since it's Japanese, but it was actually incredibly easy. :O I just went to the Google Store and installed it. And it's a pretty simple game and interface too, so even without knowing a lot of Japanese it's pretty easy to get running. I took some shots of some of the cats I've seen, they're all so adorable. Every now and then I can't help but check on the cats and see what they're up to, it's so weirdly addictive for a game where you don't really do very much.

And it's free! You can spend money to get golden fish faster though to buy cooler items. But you also get gold fish just from the cats normally, you just need to be patient.

In other news, I went loafing around pixiv looking up fanart for a bit, cause why not. My FF6 folder was pretty anemic so I decided to beef it up a bit by looking through the Kefka tag. I found out that A LOT of people ship Kefka/Terra which, ick, but wow, it's really popular. I guess Dissidia probably helped with that. Speaking of which, there's also a fair amount of stuff with two Kefkas, one from Dissidia and one from FF6, which pointed out to me that Dissidia Kefka actually has different eyepaint than the FF6 one which I never noticed before (yes people ship Kefka with himself, which is no surprise).
There are also a lot of gen things with Kefka and Terra, mostly sad things about Kefka sort of raising her before he got the Magitek infusions and went completely bonkers, and her remembering the way he used to be, that kind of thing. Sort of bittersweet. I also found this cute comic about Kefka's birthday where Leo gives him a bird and he throws a tantrum about it for some reason and then Kefka and Leo send each other insults using the bird, haha.

I also found a comic with JUAN CORRIDA IN IT HOLY BALLS him with some dudes talking and I think him meeting up with Matt later? I was mostly blown away by Juan showing up at all wow.

And I found an artist that does the cutest little comics with Snake and Liquid and Solidus as kids, I can't get over how adorable these comics are. THERE'S MORE THAN ONE. SOLIDUS IS A BIG LANKY WEIRDO. UGH THEY'RE SO ADORABLE. I CAN'T HANDLE HOW CUTE THESE ARE.

You might need a Pixiv account to see the full images or the pages, but I think it's a lot easier to sign up for it now that they added an English option. At least I think they did, I signed up for it back before they did that, but I have it on English now and it SEEMS pretty straightforward. But eh.

Speaking of Kefka, I ended up doodling that ghost version from the last entry a few more times.

I DUNNO WHY THIS GHOST VERSION IS SO MUCH FUN TO DRAW technically kefka would probably wear more patterns as well as colors but eh, maybe i'll fiddle with it later.
Floating around smashing stuff, what a life
I always thought Kefka's fist up post was him flipping you off but apparently in the ios version they took out his fingers so it's just his fists! But I swear the original sprite really looks like he's flipping you off. I PREFER TO BELIEVE THAT HE IS CONSTANTLY FLIPPING YOU OFF
Kefka being an artist seems pretty appropriate for him actually.

Also STILL HUGELY AMUSED AT HOW SHORT KEFKA IS, HAHAHA to be fair gau is like 3 cm shorter than him but still, whatever.
Also apparently Cid is shorter than him as well so he can at least be taller than SOMEone in the empire.

for a bit i tried to think of how kefka would react, like would he brush it off and then i realized no kefka would throw a tantrum no duh, HE OVERREACTS TO PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING
at least as a ghost he can float around, haha. and presumably throw things at leo when he gets bored.

Man tomorrow is Mother's Day and the whole family's getting together to do a big thing for it and I said I'd try making Grandma's cheesy potatos since she can't really do it herself now. I have the recipe, I hope I can pull it off alright. I should go to the store and get the stuff I need for it, bleh.

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, phoenix wright, metal gear?!

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