
May 05, 2014 20:23

Not a lot to report lately, sadly! I have like a bunch of unfinished projects but nothing that can really go up just yet, haha.

I keep plugging away bit by bit on the ukagaka tutorial site, which is taking a long time. The thing is that there is just an ENORMOUS amount of information to get down in some semblance of a walkthrough, or at least a resource, and sometimes it's hard to even know where to begin. Right now I'm close to finishing the page on surfaces.txt, but should I include the really detailed, complicated tricks I've done with surfaces.txt? Should I talk about the functions I've never really used and don't really understand like bind/add/reduce/insert? Should I try to keep it as simple as possible? I link to the resources I used to figure it out, should I just leave it on the reader to look up more? Is the page too long, should I break it up into pieces and where? THESE ARE HARD CHOICES.

And there's still so much left to cover. There's the page on how to bind clothes which is going to be a pain since I can barely remember how to do it, so I'm going to have to go back into the Jockey FLELE and try and remember what I was doing. Although hopefully it won't be a terribly long page. Then there's the whole section on balloons which is ALSO going to be hard because my memories of how to do that are pretty vague as well. At least I can remember where the balloon tutorial was, I think the one I used for clothes may have been taken down.
(At least a handy thing about doing this is that this will also serve as a handy resource for ME when I forget all this stuff as I inevitably will, haha)

Then there's the page for the actual coding of the dialogue itself, which shouldn't be too hard really since that I can remember very clearly, but then there's the monster of the page for functions. How many functions should I be covering here? Is it going to end up as just another version of the CROW-SSP encyclopedia, would that be redundant or would that level of thoroughness be helpful? And there are still some functions that I don't even understand, my description wouldn't be super helpful there. Should I go into the special things I've added to mine, like how to do an item system or a feelings system or rock paper scissors or a third character or separate blocks of dialogue that trigger when a certain state is in place (like when they're asleep, or when Charger is out)? SO MANY QUESTIONS
(maybe I should make an advanced tricks page and just put this stuff there?)

Then after that there's the page for how to publish a ghost, not super hard, and then the one for setting up the network updates, which was super hard for me to figure out in the first place, but shouldn't be too hard to actually write down since I took some careful notes after I figured it out, haha.

Then once those are all done, I want to make a very simple template ghost that people can download to use as a base for their own ghost (like someone using a base for a Shimeji), and that'll need its own step by step page to go with it, and that'll take some doing as well. THEN the tutorial/info site will be able to go up, haha. AND I DO THIS JUST BECAUSE I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO MAKE THEM, I THINK THEY'RE REALLY COOL MYSELF
also it's a handy way to write down what i know before i forget in a fashion. It may be that I know the most about ghosts/ukagaka on the English side of things, I might as well share that with people.

I'm thinking of making the template ghost Girl and Triangle, that way I can have a very simple version for people to use as a base for their own, then can just make a copy of them and redo the text/add stuff for an actual ghost version. Two birds with one stone!

This is provided anyone else cares or if my tutorial is actually informative in any way and isn't just me rambling disjointedly. I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW HANDY MY TUTORIALS HAVE BEEN IN THE PAST

But anyway that's one thing I've been plugging at. I also got tempted to make a Lola FLELE for some reason the other day and it was weird since the urge came out of NOWHERE, but in the end I didn't do it and now it's gone. Haha I was taken by a fey mood perhaps. It's been a while since I've made a FLELE anyway, I'd have to refresh myself.

However, I have been answering a little voice meme on tumblr though! I've been doing it there since it's super easy to upload audio files there and I'm lazy, but if you're curious you can check it out. I've answered a few already so far, it's fun!

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!


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