~Now it has all the powers of a breakfast!

Mar 01, 2014 23:44

Ultramega Ok! recordingg

Stemage - Metroid - The Escape
Stemage - Metroid Prime 2 - Torvus Bog
Argle - Metroid Prime 2 - Bogged Down
Homeslice - Chrono Trigger - Oh Traveler from an Arcane Land
FlexStyle, OA - Super Smash Bros. Melee - S-Tier
timaeus222 - Pokemon XY - Born from the Ashes

Haha I mixed up Arcane Land with another remix in my head, my leadup to that doesn't make much sense. UGH S-TIER IS SO GOOD THOUGH I forgot how it incorporates the announcer's voice at this one perfect moment and it's so great aaaaa

In other general news, I've been feeling sort of restless and blocked lately, I'm not sure why. Eh, it'll pass soon enough I'm sure. It's annoying though, I always feel like I should be working on something or doing something, but then nothing seems to come out right. I've been trying to get some writing done the past couple days and it's like pulling teeth, it all seems like such a giant mess when I get it down, WHEN I can get it down.
But I know the important part about writing is just getting it down in the first place, you can always edit later but just getting it out is more important at first I think, but meh even that feels hard. Maybe I just need to layout some beats for this scene or something, it keeps going off in weird directions. Eh, who knows.
THIS COULD ALSO BE RELATED TO MY STILL BROKEN HEADPHONES WHICH ARE VERY FRUSTRATING so I've been hearing everything through my left ear for like a week now which sucks. However my new pair should be getting here soon hopefully cause this is driving me crazy.

Somewhat related, I got bored and threw together a quick playlist of music I associate with Vargas and all that, which ranges from stuff directly tied into fics/art to atmospheric stuff that's sort of appropriate to the mood to bizarrely silly stuff I associate with the whole thing for absolutely no reason. IF PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED I could try to wrangle it down into something manageable for download, as right now it's like 300 songs and a bunch I know are just for me and would be trimmed down if I was going to make a thing out of it. But idk if anyone would be interested. |D MY TASTE IN MUSIC IS TERRIBLE AFTER ALL

In other weird news, it's been raining really hard the last couple days which is bizarre. :O There was even thunder today! It just came out of nowhere, wtf. They issued some flash flooding warnings for our area, but we live up on a hill so hopefully we'll be okay. Either way it's sort of nice to be able to hear rain on the roof though, I love that sound. WEATHER IS COOL TO ME OKAY I LIVE SOMEPLACE WHERE WE DON'T GET MUCH OF IT

Oh hey, speaking of music, I might as well toss some vocaloid song links in here! I haven't done that for a while I think, though I haven't found like a ton of new stuff lately that I've glommed onto. Sadly nicosound went down at some point which sucks cause that was a super easy site to use for downloading/streaming, even if you didn't have a nicoaccount, but I managed to grab some stuff off nicomimi, so that's something I guess. :B

Balsamine, at least I THINK that's what the title translates to, is another fairly low key bloopy thing along the lines of Artificial Flower's Sense of Distance, and similarly I thought it just sounded pleasant until I saw the lyrics on nico and it was heavier than I anticipated. :O Anyway, this particular cover of the song is done by Yuki, but there's also a version sung by Yukari, which was neat to me cause hey, I like both of them so now I have both versions, haha.
What the heck, I'll toss the lyrics here as well for those with no nico account.

The plug on my headphones
remains barren.
Anyway, for now,
I want to isolate myself from this world

From time to time, there's the sound of the wind
I close my eyes. Darkness.
No one comes to interfere,
in my own little area.

"There's no way I'm actually bluffing, right?"
I tell myself, I tell myself.
How far will I walk?
"I'm lonely?"
I wouldn't say that even if you pried off my lips
Because, because
If they think of me as "that poor thing"
it'd be shameful.
"I bet they hate you, huh?"
Not so, I just like being alone
Because, because
If I don't pretend that I do
It means I'm already broken

"Don't touch me."
The balsam, fallen silent.
And yet it can't leave seeds
Unless it breaks from its shell.

Everyone looks merry,
While I'm the only one outside the circle.
if I'd been in from the start,
I wonder if that'd have made a difference.

Rather than wandering around,
not a part of anything,
Standing boldly independent
Looks a lot cooler, doesn't it?

"Let me into your group?"
I wouldn't say that even if you pried off my lips
Because, because
My pride won't allow that.
I don't think,
"I envy them."
I don't want to.
Then, I may as well-
I don't want any friends,
Just give me a heart
that won't break.

You can't even go
to the bathroom by yourself,
I cursed them, as I
followed them out of the corner of my eye

"I'm lonely?"
I wouldn't say that even if you pried off my lips
Because, because
If they think of me as "that poor thing"
I'll be the loser.
"I bet they hate you, huh?"
No, I just like being alone.
Because, because
If I don't pretend that I do
It means I'm
already broken.


Therefore You and Me is an odd little song, I like how the utau's used in the chorus in a sort of call and response kind of way. IT SOUNDED MUCH BETTER WHEN I HAD BOTH SIDES WORKING ON MY HEADPHONES blarg

Close to You is much more energetic, lots of guitars going on here haha.

I haven't seen too much stuff with V3Kaito, but Kage-jin Noel is pretty neat I think. A nice sort of jaunty piano going on and you can hear his voice very clearly.

Flame Heart is a hard rock song with Teto and Ritsu, both utaus, but their voices really do blend well together. :O

Sleep Walker (Worker?) in comparison is just a vaguely chippy, happy little thing, guaranteed to annoy you haha.


I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

vocaloids, edgar and/or scriabin

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