~The ducks are sick too, forget it.

Jan 13, 2012 20:31

Ultramega Ok! recording!

pu freak - Final Fantasy V - Master of the Blades
Nutritious - Cave Story - The Unbroken
PrototypeRaptor - Sonic Adventure - Chaos Nightmares
Pianist203 - Little Nemo in Dreamland - Topsy Turvy
Dhsu - Metroid - Bubble Tea
Makke - Artura - Dublin Delight

Lot of stuff I liked this time. 8D

bleh been awake for 24 hours, tired. i should post some doodles but eh, or i should post about rule of rose or finishing the main storyline of peacewalker but eeh. eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh.

you know i've always dimly been aware of this but it wasn't until i was going in and doing all the little lines in pixel form that it hit me just how much snake's mgs2 outfit looks like stripper/bondage gear
straps straps and more straps
the old sprites sure had big feet (
), went and trimmed that on down

did some touchups on liquid after adjusting the base (originals -

), conveniently all the snakes share the same base, so

i always forget until i start doing pixel stuff again how hypnotic and simultaenously annoying it is, ultimate forest for the trees scenario
zoom in 800%, add a pixel, zoom out to actual size, remove a pixel

hey snake want to join an ngo devoted to destroying metal gears

sure, not like i do anything else with my time

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, metal gear?!

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