~Howard Fightington

May 28, 2011 15:36

Ultramega Ok! recording!

pu freak - Pokémon Gold/Silver - Journey's End
halc - Sonic the Hedgehog - Spring Junkie
Benjaminn Briggs - Sonic the Hedgehog - Bubble Junkie
DrumUltimA, Harmony - Sonic the Hedgehog - Under Construction
Rexy - Sonic the Hedgehog - Hogtied

Mostly hitting the Sound of Speed Remix Project, which had some good stuff on it, haha. God I am such a nerd for video game remixes that when I was checking OCR for new stuff and I read about this FF8 remix and saw it included The Extreme, I actually got goosebumps. I DIDN'T EVEN HEAR THE REMIX, JUST THE IDEA OF A REMIX OF THE EXTREME WAS SO AWESOME TO ME. I love that song.

ANYWAY I didn't post this yesterday although I should have aaagh. It's near the end of the quarter and everything is due, bleh. Also I'm still worried about something else which hasn't resolved itself either, and it occasionally pops into my head and gets me all worried all over again. So I guess I'm sort of stressed out. I've been getting a lot of tension headaches/neckaches whatever.

BUT ANYWAY I thought it was really interesting how many of you mentioned that you're wary of recommending things to people, since if that person doesn't like it, you feel like it reflects poorly back on you. I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME WAY MOST OF THE TIME so I rarely recommend things to anyone, unless I feel like it's a safe bet. And I still mention the flaws just in case. God forbid I want to recommend something to someone I actually admire, the idea of them not liking it is just so upsetting.
In fact most of the time I just keep things I like to myself just in case talking about it would seem like an implicit recommendation, upon which people would judge me, which on further contemplation is kind of ridiculous. Given a day to think about it, I'm pretty sure one reason I made my previous post was because it was a roundabout way of saying HEY I LIKE THE NEW PONY SHOW AND ALSO HOMESTUCK BTW all casually without making a big deal of it so people wouldn't judge me for it. At heart I really am pretty insecure.

The other part of it that I thought was interesting was that when I get a recommendation from someone I know (or even from someone I don't even know that well), I feel more inclined to like whatever it is. I'll usually take people at their word. Heck, I started watching the new Pony show because someone on my flist wrote up a long post about how much they liked it, complete with links to episodes, and I thought "well, if they like it, it's worth checking out. Won't cost me anything and the links are right there." The same thing happened when someone else linked to a video of Flapjack and talked about how much they loved it.
And then if it turns out that I don't care for whatever it is that they recommend, I try to phrase it/think of it as "well I guess that's not for me" as opposed to "that sucks", since I know that that person really enjoyed it and that's cool. People like different stuff, no big deal. And also I know I wouldn't want someone to come back and tell me something I liked sucked, so.
But if someone I know talks a lot about something they like, then I in general come to think of that thing more favorably. Even if that thing is super popular, I'll usually give it a shot to formulate my own opinion on it. And if I don't like it, I just shrug and move on, and I don't think the person who recommended it was a dork or anything, it just wasn't for me.

And it's weird that I try not to hassle people for their tastes in whatever, live and let live and all that, and yet I don't really expect people to give me the same courtesy. This is actually a pattern that's present through pretty much my entire life though so I'm not that surprised by it, but it's always kind of an odd moment when I think "oh hey, I'm doing that thing again. Why do I keep doing this?"

I GUESS THE POINT OF THIS IS don't feel afraid to recommend things to me! I try really hard to keep an open mind about stuff, and if someone recommends something to me, I'll generally assume that there's SOMEthing about it they like, and that it has to have a redeeming feature SOMEwhere. There are a few things that I just don't like at all, but on the most part I'll usually give anything a shot at least once. And if I don't like it, it won't reflect badly on you in my mind. I REALIZE HOW WEIRD IT SOUNDS THAT I SAY THIS AND YET I DO THIS EXACT SAME THING MYSELF BUT I MIGHT AS WELL PUT IT OUT THERE

And I guess in the future I need to remind myself that if I want to post about some thing or another I can, it's my LJ after all. If I can't talk about things I like here, where can I talk about them? I just need to wholly embrace my taste in media without shame.

THIS POST IS WEIRDLY INTROSPECTIVE and I've been fairly busy with end of quarter stuff as mentioned, but I do have somethings for you!

You guys remember The F Plus? It's a podcast I really enjoy (in fact, the only podcast I listen to. It's great for when I'm drawing or working on a flash video or something) and I've linked to some of their episodes before where they read some of those fic quotes I collect. WELL they asked me to do some readings for them, so if you want to hear me and a bunch of people read ridiculous MUD descriptions out loud, this episode is for you! I spend most of it just giggling in the background though, as a note, but it's still fun times.

Also I found some scanlations of some cute yuri stories. Of particular note is the Gender Game one, where in a girl who's butch reveals she's actually kind of a wimp, and a femme reveals that she really wants to top. IT WAS A REFRESHING FIND. Also the Happy Picture Diary ones are pretty cute as well.
I also liked the Off Time one about two ladies growing old together which I expect comes as a surprise to absolutely no one.
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