
Nov 24, 2019 19:47

It was finished, Vin thought, watching as his former best friend was hauled away from sight.

The traitor in PDEA was finally apprehended. Lance was caught - and no amount of profession of innocence on his part can disprove the evidence that he was, in fact, part of the dreaded drug syndicate La Familia.

Especially since it's his wife who brought proof of his involvement to the authorities.

My brave Brie, Vin thought, with nothing less than admiration and pride. He turned towards her now, armed with coffee and a comforting word or two - especially since she looked like she needed them. He sat beside her, handed her the cup - which she took with a brief smile.

"How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

She shrugged. "I don't know. Like an idiot, I guess?" Brie studied the contents of her coffee cup. "All the signs were there, come to think of it. You, Alice, Kitkat - you've told me time and again that Lance was guilty, and still I didn't believe you. I should have. I should--"

"Brie," he said, touching her arm lightly. "It's not your fault." And even if the words tasted like vinegar on his tongue he continued, "You loved him. It's natural for you to trust him."

"I thought--" She bit her lip, sounding on the verge of tears. "I thought marrying him was the right thing to do. But then afterwards he-- he changed so much, Vin. Always paranoid, always clinging to me. Always forcing me never to contact my friends - especially you." Here she glanced at him, her mouth trembling.

"And yet you did," he said, taking hold of one of her hands - the one with the burn mark still fresh at the back of it. If only he could make Lance pay for this, too. "I'm so glad you did."

She'd sounded so scared, when she called him up in the middle of the night. Asking to come meet with her. Asking him to help her.

What do I do, Vin? Lance is a member of La Familia. What should I do?

"Why?" she asked now, looking at their entwined hands. "So you can take your revenge on him?"

He shook his head, then thought better about lying to her. "Partly, yes," Vin admitted. "Lance was directly responsible for so many deaths of PDEA agents. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a grudge against him."

"I'm sorry," she said, running her thumb against his - making him shiver.

Vin cleared his throat. "Honestly, though? Most of all, I'm happy that you finally saw through all his lies - because that means you're safe now. It means he can no longer hurt you, Brie." He smiled at her. "And I'll make sure it stays that way."

If only he could, he'd plant a kiss at the back of her hand - just to prove that he meant his words.

Let me protect you, Brie.

She sighed. "God, Vin. Sometimes I wonder why you're so--"

He raised his brows at her. "Handsome? Supportive? I wonder about that, too."

Brie laughed, making him feel lighter than he had in months.

Just then, she pulled away from him - making him wonder if he'd said anything to offend her. "Sorry," Brie said, rubbing her arms. "Kitkat might get the wrong impression if she sees-- you know, us."

He frowned. "Kitkat?"

"I'm sorry - I forgot you call each other 'Mokong'." Brie then downed half her coffee in one gulp.

And Vin was still frowning. "Yes, we do," he admitted. "But what does that--"

She took her bag and went to her feet. "I think I should just--"

"Brie." Vin grabbed her arm as gently as he could. "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Kitkat likes you, Vin." Brie moved to disentangle herself from his hold. "Or at least, I think she does. Don't tell me you don't know that."

"Kitkat?" he repeated, because he had to do something other than swim in utter confusion. "She's like a little sister to me. I don't--"

"I didn't know you're required to hold people you think of as little sisters as close to you as you do her, though," she commented, eyes on her shoes.

Vin paused. Surely Brie wasn't--

--was she?

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you sound jealous," he teased her.

Color flooded her cheeks just then. "Whatever. I'm leaving." And off she went.

"Brie!" Vin called, immediately following her. There's no doubt in his mind that he would - wherever she went. "Brie, wait! Brie!"


"I'm sorry, Kitkat." Alice placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Huh? You're sorry? What for?" Kitkat tore her eyes away from Vin just to focus her attention on her friend.

Alice looked stricken as she said, "I know you liked him."

Kitkat snorted. "Yeah, well, I got over it quickly. It's obvious he still cared about Brie. I'm not so stupid as to even try and compete with that." She gestured at their departing forms carelessly.

And yet, even as she said the words, she felt empty, even hollow. Kitkat had hoped that, maybe, with Brie married to that idiot Lance she and Vin would--

No, no she did not.

"Anyway." Kitkat squared her shoulders. "Let's talk to Lance. Maybe he knows where Lady M is."

Alice gave her a look - but luckily, she didn't prod the matter deeper. "Yes," she said. "Let's."

brievin, beautiful justice

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