Touch Your Heart Fic: When She Walked In

Jan 19, 2019 09:56

Kwon Jung Rok should have really listened to his gut instinct and said a loud, resounding no when his superiors first brought the idea up.

Except that saying no then would have been a monumentally erroneous decision on his part, particularly because he, like any in his position, would want to impress his superiors, not severely antagonize them.

And since his bosses, too, were equally unable to say no themselves... well.


Now here he was, sitting behind his desk, waiting for the moment the personification of his bad commitment would walk in his office.

He checked his watch; it was ten AM. Any minute now, then.

Any moment now.

At 10:15, he called his staff to ask if any one - any female someone - had come looking for him.

After finding out that no one had, he slammed his phone down. He really, really despised people who had absolutely no regard for another's time and attention - which, apparently, unfortunately, included this particular guest of his.



No matter, then. He had a mountain of paperwork to accomplish and had very little time to do them all, so Jung Rok turned to his computer, forcefully disregarding the uncomfortable hammering in his gut.

It didn't take long for him to lose himself in his work. There was this particularly nasty lawsuit that demanded most of his attention; it involved members of a pedophile ring who, as it turned out, disguised themselves as respectable members of the community. The pieces of evidence were damning, to say the least, but due to who were involved, and, ultimately, who their connections in the government were, it would be difficult to prosecute them without incurring the wrath of very powerful and influential people.

His own bosses told him to handle this with care, Jung Rok.

He grimaced. Already he could feel a pounding headache about to make itself known.

Which, of course, was the very moment he detected the faint sound of something clacking against his office floor.

And before he could ponder on that, his office door burst open and in came--


That he was taken aback by who was inside his office this very instant could be considered a gross understatement.

Because, at this very moment, Oh Yoon Seo, Korea's-- no, everyone's goddess - was actually, currently in his office.

At the face of this inconceivable happenstance, he did what any normal, red-blooded man would do:

He blinked.

And cleared his throat.

Kwon Jung Rok had expected her to be beautiful, with her small face and appealingly proportionate figure. He wasn't that much of a hermit not see her on television; he had some speck of a social life, for god's sake.

But here, up close, with light coming from who knew where shining behind her, engulfing her in an effulgent glow--

Jung Rok blinked again, mentally waking himself up from this stupor.

She stopped right before his desk. "Kwon Jung Rok?" she said, one eyebrow visibly raised from behind her colored sunglasses. She gave him a little wave. "I believe you were expecting me."

Some sort of scuffle could be heard from his door. Glancing at it, Jung Rok could see that most - if not all - his staff could be found there, each trying to steal a glance at one of Korea's most aesthetically-pleasing creatures. In the flesh.

He grimaced. Jung Rok glared at them before resolutely standing and closing the door on their faces. "Oh Yoon Seo," he said, some faint traces of his annoyance popping back now that he had won against his temporary state of senselessness, "Yes, I had been expecting you." A beat. "Three hours ago." Pointedly he glanced at the clock behind him, then at her.

Oh Yoon Seo giggled. "Sorry," she said, sounding anything but. "I had some, ah, errands to run before I could come here."

Jung Rok crossed his arms. "Are they more important than this opportunity, then?"

She removed her sunglasses and pushed them up her head. "You tell me," Oh Yoon Seo said. She turned to look around his office, even running her hands through the very same case files he was earlier working on. "Am I going to learn anything from you? They told me you were the best of the best." She glanced at him, then. "Are you?"

He could actually feel his hackles rising.

"There must be a reason I was chosen to work with you," Jung Rok responded, fighting to keep himself calm despite-- well, this. "Let it be known to all that I never volunteered for this task. Now, if you are unconvinced with my record, then I will not stop you from walking out that door and choosing someone else. In fact, I advocate it."

Oh Yoon Seo raised her chin up and said, "Why? Do you find me so alluring that you think I'm going to distract you from getting any work done?"

Christ, what a conceited woman. "You were the one questioning my credentials earlier, Miss Oh. No one said anything about your--" He gestured at his own face before adding, "physical attributes."

"Physical attributes," she repeated, before laughing out loud. "What a funny man. Do you really sound like that?"

"Like what?"

"A walking dictionary," she said, still looking amused. "You could have just said 'my beauty'." Oh Yoon Seo looked away. "Like everyone else."

Counting to three silently, Jung Rok then said, "You will find that I am one hardly swayed by beauty. And if you will work for me, then I suggest you should start focusing on something deeper than that, as well."

Here she crossed her arms and said, snappily, "Are you implying that I'm superficial?"

"I cannot be faulted for whatever meaning you will construe from my words," he replied.

Oh Yoon Seo glared at him. "I have depths, you know," she said. "I use them to channel my characters. Not that you would know anything about acting."

The same could be said about her, Jung Rok thought, but didn't bother saying aloud. Wasn't remedying that the very reason she was here? He walked back to his desk. "I'm sure you do."

"God, you're so--" She cleared her throat. "Whatever. You know what? A minute ago I was thinking about talking to my manager about firing you, but now I've changed my mind. I will work for you."

Something in his gut told him that this was going to be a bad, bad thing. But then he said, "Then let's make things clear. You will abide by this office's rules, no matter how small or inconsequential to you they may be."

"Done," she said decisively.

Jung Rok turned to his case files. "Then I will see you here at promptly eight o'clock."

Oh Yoon Seo exclaimed, "In the morning? But I'm--"

He looked up at her impassively.

She drew a deep breath and replied, all gritted teeth, "All right, fine. Eight it is." Oh Yoon Seo then offered her hand to him. With something akin to a challenge embedded in her words she told him bluntly, "I look forward to working with you, Kwon Jung Rok."

He stared at that offered hand for a few seconds before standing and taking it. "We'll see about it, Oh Yoon Seo."

Already he knew this was going to be the start of something horrendously disastrous.

touch your heart, kdrama, other fics

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