Another sensational episode. I haven't been this speculative since we all wondered what was wrong with Sam! Did I say that already? I may have. Anyway...if you're going to mess around with religions on your Show, you may as well go the whole way and really poke at it. [Spoilers (click to open)]You know, like suggesting that the Deity of one of the bigger patriarchal religions on the planet had a sister who he betrayed and locked away... After this episode I had to go and re-read Kalliel's wonderful story Every Little Girl's Favorite, because it just fits so well into what seems to be becoming canon!
The episode left me so intrigued for what's coming next in Amara's storyline and wondering how Sam and Dean--two boys from Kansas-- fit into the bigger cosmic picture.
Title: In Our Image Author: zara_zee Beta: Not beta’d Genre(s): Episode coda Rating: PG-13, Gen Spoilers: Episode 11.06 Warning: Biblical and religious musings and speculations which some may find sacrilegious Word Count: ~890 Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing in the sand box.
Summary: Amara walks among God's creations and ponders men, women, sibling rivalry and Dean.
She read the Bible in Crowley’s lair and found it infuriating. So many inaccuracies. So much misinterpretation; a feeble attempt by primitive minds to understand that which is beyond them.
But worst of all, there is no mention of Her. Where is She? Where is the Goddess? The sacred feminine?
There’s a slight nod to Her in Genesis. It’s all passive voice until: "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness”.
Oh, so there is an Us is there, Brother? Your creations are in Our image, are they?
But after that it’s all His, Him, me, me, me.
And then there’s Mary. Her role in her son’s creation reduced to a passive one; an empty field to be sowed with God’s seed. Used by Him to deliver His creation.
Which is unsurprising really. That’s more or less what Her Brother did to Her when he locked her in the Empty and tapped her Energy for his Creative Work.
Amara has perused The Internet extensively. She has seen Memes. She has read Articles. She has even read The Comments Sections. And it seems to Her that those who Her Brother created in His image are very like Him, valuing women only for how they can use them.
Enheduanna, the High Priestess of Sumer; Jocelyn Bell Burnell; Nettie Stevens; Celia Payne. All brilliant women whose discoveries had a man take credit for them.
She has come across this phenomenon time and time again throughout human history and it displeases Her greatly.
Don't even get Her started on equal pay.
And now she has a conundrum. She is here to right wrongs. And She had planned to scrub out Her Brother’s work entirely and start over. But now she feels an affinity with Her nieces. Perhaps some of Her Brother’s work can be salvaged.
And then there is Her Dean.
He fascinates Her. And not just because he is the first of Her Brother’s creations that She looked upon. And not just because he is so very pleasing to look upon.
It’s partly those things, of course, but it is also because of what she has found within him. Her Dean truly loves women and although he presents as so very masculine, and is very masculine in so very many ways, he also embodies many of the attributes that Her Brother’s creations see as feminine. He is sensual in a way few men are and he cares for others, putting their needs before his own.
When he knows a woman, Her Dean truly knows her; he learns what she wants, what she needs and he gives it to her, unreservedly. For him, it is always a sacred act and it is always about her pleasure. He may pretend with other men that he merely uses and then discards women, but She knows better. He worships at their altar.
Amara knows these things about Her Dean because they are joined. When the Lock which kept her bound was ripped from Her Dean, it tore itself from his soul and a small portion of his soul ended up within Her. This is why He can’t bring himself to kill Her; why She will never kill him. Like magnets, the two parts of His soul want to come together. She may, perhaps, consume the rest of his soul, but the thought of doing so brings Her great sorrow. He is Her Dean and She wishes to keep him.
Which brings Her to the subject of Her Dean’s Sam.
Sam is Her Dean’s brother and he knows him as She knew Her Brother. Their love is as intense and entangled as the love she once shared with Him, but it has not yet become corrupted and dark.
It is not a coincidence that the Mark of the Lock leads its bearers to betray their siblings; Her Brother betrayed Her; Lucifer betrayed Michael, Cain betrayed Abel and Dean frequently betrays Sam. Sam also betrays Dean and yet they both forgive each other repeatedly. She did not fail to notice that attacking Sam was the one thing that brought Her Dean to act; to show willing to sacrifice the small portion of his soul that lives within Her. After all, he once sacrificed his entire soul to save his brother; in comparison, the small portion within Her is nothing.
Amara has learned much since she came to the Place of Her Brother’s Creation. She has learned that the births of Sam and Dean Winchester were a Very Big Deal in Heaven. That there was a lot of subtle manipulation to ensure this very bloodline. She has learned that Mary is an ancient family name. And She suspects that Sam and Her Dean are here, now, in this Time as an example of sibling love and forgiveness.
Does Her Brother truly want Her forgiveness or is He merely trying to soften Her up, while He plots to betray Her again?
She may forgive Him. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility. There will have to be some grovelling first, of course. Gifts, perhaps.
Amara sees everything that Her Brother has made and indeed it is very good. There are a few things She’s going to have to tweak, but She must admit, She likes it here. And she likes Her Dean. When the time comes, She will have him sit at Her right hand.
Amara tips Her head back and smiles up at the sky. She closes Her eyes and basks in the glory of Creation. --