Jan 27, 2004 19:47
In an effort to explain things a little, I wrote this email to a friend of mine and I guess, after my last entry, People will be wondering WTF is going on with the psychotic person over there. So, here it is...so to speak.
Around December 2002: I fell in love. Not with my husband. With his best friend for whom we named the baby. I said nothing of this to anyone for hope that the emotion would pass. But it didn't
January 2003: Nothing
Feb: nothing
March: got marriedl
April: nothing
May: nothing
June: Had the baby! He's so fucking cute
July: nothing
August: Patsy(Erin) turned 16 and got her car. It died so Granddaddy bought her a newer one.
September: nothin
October: The love that I talked about in December wouldn't go away. I finally said something to the party involved, Daymeon. And he returned the favor. He loved me too. This was great, except for one fatal error...I was married. Shit...Erik asked me what was going on and I told him. The truth...all of it. The next day I left. It had been over between Erik and me for a long time and I had a baby to raise.
Turned 20.
November: Started getting things situated for the divorce. This is me...a nervous wreck. Daymeon turns 28.
December: Get the baby every other week. It works for being able to see him, but it keeps him in the weather and he ges so sick...so sick...
January 2004: I have come up with a proposal. I want to move to Pennsylvania with Daymeon. His family is up there and he needs to be with them. The proposal is this:
6 months with me
6 months with Erik
...until school time.
When that time comes, Erik chooses, school year with him, and summer with me...all summer, or, school year with me, summer with him...all summer.
No child support to be argued. Transportation paid solely by me...void where prohibited, offer good for a limited time, no substitutions, exchanges or refunds.
Patsy (Erin) and I went to health Department for physicals, found lump in Patsy's breast. She goes to the Doctor next Tuesday for further investigation.
That's about it. Ok, here's for the personal addresses.
Muzer: Hey, man. Haven't forgotten about you. Just had a lot of shit going on as of late. Tell me, what's up? Love ya!
Mattdoesntcare: At least you are still here...sort of. I love you man. And miss you like fuck! Deltachi!
Nenya: ...really don't know what to say to you.
I think that covers my friends.