I find that taking care of oral hygiene before I actually have to sleep is a HUMONGOUS help. That way, when it actually is time to finally stop whatever I'm doing and sleep, I can roll straight into bed instead of feeling like "ugh I have to floss I hate flossing I'll just stay up"
I also tried this: which is the MOST RELAXING SONG EVER SCIENCE PROVES IT. I didn't notice a whole lot of drowsiness on my part, but uh. I was also playing Restaurant City on Facebook at the time.
Yes yes, fail.
Right now my FIX SLEEP NOW DAMNIT list looks like this:
1. No caffeine eight hours before bedtime (1 AM is the limit, I must be in bed by then, if not actually asleep). This includes white tea and my vanilla chai cookies SOB SOB SOB This is the one that I'm the most unsure about, because my caffeine resistance is pretty high. I figure better safe than sorry.
2. If I feel it's needed, eat a snacky thing around 8:30-9:00 to ward off crazy hunger.
3. Alarm is set for 10 PM to brush teeth and all that stuff.
4. Try NOT to be looking at a computer monitor for at least an hour before bed. This one is a toughie, because I have an online class on Wednesdays from 10 to 12, and it's often the case that I can't stop working til say, 4 in the morning on the weekends because if I don't, assignments don't get done. Those are special cases though.
... oh, since my class is at 10, I should probably set that hygiene alarm to 9 instead.
5. READ/draw/write on like... paper, right before sleep. I stare at a monitor for most of the day, so. It also helps to keep me from lying in bed, chasing my own thoughts around.
6. Listen to things like this while meditating.
7. Wake up at the same time every day. Right now, that time is 8:40 AM.
Felt a lot less stressed about sleeping, with taking care of hygiene beforehand. Also felt extremely gratified that several friends came onto Twitter to yell GO TO BED. I was in bed by the specified time, but I sat there and tossed and turned for an hour before I said ARGH and turned on the light to read. Took me about another hour to fall asleep, and I woke up at least twice during the night. Apparently I'm just not used to sleeping in long stretches when I'm not exhausted.
Woke at 11:40. -____-