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Yes the Music video is here and I find it bloody amazing! It’s cool, it’s fresh it’s sexy and I just love the whole feeling around it.
I could make an whole paper about just the music video and what parts I especially adore (which will end up with every screen shot)
But I wont ;D
Instead I need to express my happiness for all the lucky people that ended up in the High High Mv party and that club! But it’s not only happiness I feel, I feel quite a bit jealousy! XD
I would like to have such luck (not that I’ve not been having any, but that’s totally another story ;D)
But I would like to have some “global luck” XD I mean some random bumping into someone I adore and get something going. Not that I would be able to do it and that’s also part of the jealousy. I mean how did those girls and boys manage to stay that cool and keep on dancing? I mean I would have run away in embarrassment and huge nervousness XD
So hats off to all you people who got the invitation and had the change to get some real closeness to one of Koreans biggest musicians!
Oh and before I press "post" I just have to say that I totally LOVE T.O.P’s super blond hair! Gaah it’s so damn good lucking and even though I don’t know him I would like to say that it fits his personality. Both manly and childish ;D
And I've also get some crazy flashes of Andy Warholt and Capote and his Black and White ball pops up in my head, I think I analyse too much or something XD
And G-Dragons hair, I like whatever that guy do with his hair, or that’s what I’ve been told XD