Linkspam and something for my fellow zombie lovers, I guess.

Sep 05, 2010 14:50

This is truly, truly porn as far as I'm concerned: Bookshelf Porn.

A gorgeous series of photos by Danny Santos II:
Check out the Portraits of Strangers album especially.

A great series of photographs (with commentary) about the carioca funk movement.

Weddings at the Library

Pixiv member Som and hir Inception fanart

Early version of the Inception screenplay

Genderbending Scott Pilgrim (fanart)

I'd also like to point you to a great community here on DW -

On a different note, some of my pre-ordered figures have finally arrived! :D

And I had this conversation with my Dad today:

Z's Dad: *hums under his breath*
Z: "Is that ... the Battle Hymn of the Republic?!"
Z's Dad: "Yes! But I'm using the German lyrics."
Z: ".... dare I ask?"
Z's Dad: "Komm wir fressen eine Leiche!
Du das Harte, ich das Weiche
du ein Auge, ich ein Ohr
und wir beide schrei'n im Chor! :DDD"
Z: ..................................

Come, let's devour a corpse!
You the hard bits, I the soft bits
you an eye and I an ear
and we both scream together!

Meanwhile, a fair warning: I will probably stop crossposting to LiveJournal soon. If anyone needs an invite, I have plenty.

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music, dot dot dot, scott pilgrim, brasil, inception, linkspam, art, my colourful life, photography, family

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