Jan 02, 2005 21:05
Sometimes I think my parents had me at the wrong time. I don't mean that in the sense that they shouldn't have had me, just that the six years I've spent in school so far people have killed roosters and attacked muggleborns, we have had dementors in the grounds to protect us from an ex-convict who later turned out to be innocent, You-Know-Who killed our quidditch captain, then we had a raving mad Defence professor and it's gone downhill from there.
And all of those things I've had to suss out from half-arsed explanations or rumours. Nobody (except perhaps Professor Sprout) sees fit to answer questions. And if you're only concerned about girly gossip, then that works just fine. But I'm not, and I want to know how things are looking for everyone here.
Although if it hacks you off if I ask, you can just tell me face to face. Clamming up and then telling everyone in the journals is just gittish, okay? On top of it, you made it sound like I was trying to horn in on your private time or something!
Still, Potter, you ought to have said something in the Wizengamot. You knew stuff about the bloke, at least stuff from the year that Umbridge hag was around. I don't think that's really too personal like Granger said.