Jan 25, 2017 17:38
The parent sent a note today to attach to the IEP demanding that her daughter be able to use the health office bathroom because she's afraid of the regular bathroom.
No she is fucking NOT afraid of the bathroom. She uses it all the damn time. This is total growth for her because Mom is the one who had never let this girl go to the bathroom by herself before so it was no wonder she was nervous having to go to the bathroom alone.
Mom had come up with this "scared" story two years ago and wanted that in the notes at that time. Since she hadn't continued to request it and the daughter obviously didn't need it, it wasn't brought up again. Now she's requested it once more, after the fact, and the psychologist told me to talk to the parent and tell her that the girl is not afraid of going to the bathroom since the parent is still under the impression she is, though we'll attach her request to the IEP.
I might as well go bang my head against a tree, it'll do just as much good. Rather than celebrating the fact that her daughter can use the reguar bathroom, she'll terrify that girl into being afraid to use it again because the parent has issues with a capital Newsweek.She wants that child sheltered and entirely dependent on her. I honestly don't want to tell the parent because she'll destroy all that progress we've made in this small area.
Fuck this. I am beyond aggravated with this woman.