Oct 15, 2013 21:25

Crowley in the basement, Kevin wants his mommy, Abbadon yadda yadda....

Ezekiel rising from the floor in Sam's body to Light Smite the demons...frickin' awesome!!

And it's not just the smiting, it's seeing his tattered wings shadowed on the wall; it's the fact that last week he said he needed to heal himself and by the state of his wings he has a way to go, and yet he still has some serious mojo working. It's the chat with Dean afterwards, professing he's one of the good guys, then admitting that's probably something the bad guys would say. It's the way he told Dean he's doing the right thing. It's the way he said he knows Dean does everything he does out of love because he's inside Sam's head, which means Sam knows that, too. And hell, it's the way Jared Padalecki sold it, standing there taller and stronger, with that steady unwavering gaze.

Pardon me, I'm feeling a bit faint. *swoons again* :)

P.S. They let Jared do his own hair for that last scene didn't they? Because it looked delicious.

initial reactions, supernatural

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