Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

Feb 10, 2012 21:43

The actual villain of the piece was rather lame, but he got his comeuppance, so yay?

The parents in this town, I gotta say, all apparently suck. Sure, I can see a bad corporate decision to keep the place open even after a death on the premises; but business didn't seem affected at all. Parents were still taking their kids to a freakin' crime scene for a good time. Talk about traumatizing a child.

Enough about that. On to the good bits.

--A unicorn with rainbows shooting out of its ass. Oh, the continuity. Hee!

--Speaking of ass-rainbows, kudos to the FX department. Between that, Sam knocking out the clown's tooth in a very 3D manner, and the ****GLITTER***, they rocked at their jobs.

--Oh Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam. So twitchy and nervous. You are adorable. Jared is so good with comedy, and this was much more subtle than say, Bad Day at Black Rock. The "bad cop" routine was way over the top, but none of the people he interrogated had ever had so much as a parking ticket, I'm guessing, so they bought it. Honestly, all he really needed to do was LOOM and narrow his eyes as if he suspected them of something, and I'm sure they would have spilled their guts anyway.

--"RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW" Best time stamp I've seen in a long time. Heh.

--"Octovamp, Seabiscuit the Impaler, and Landshark." I don't know, Seabiscuit the Impaler just makes me giggle. Not to mention "If it bleeds, you can kill it", except you can't when clowns are filled with sparkly confetti.

--I have never been in a ball pit, and I'm certainly not going to go looking for one now. That's just creepier than the clowns. Who knows what the hell's in there?

--Loved Sam spitting out sparkles after the clowns disintegrated all over him. And turning up back at Plucky's literally covered in sparkles was priceless. I don't blame Dean for laughing; when your 6'5" Sasquatch of a brother steps out of a car and twinkles in the moonlight because he's saturated with clown glitter, that's damn funny.

And now that we've had The Funny Episode, next week looks to get back to the serious business, as per the usual pattern about this time of the season. I've read that Sam really starts falling apart from here on out, and I'm looking forward to more juicy Crazy!Sam stuff. With bonus Lucifer! (And I heard a rumor there's scruff involved, rowr.)

supernatural crack! improves my mood, initial reactions, supernatural

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