Also, I'm quite sleep deprived

Oct 11, 2010 01:22

So tired. About a week ago I was just feeling all nice and relaxed because I'd successfully gotten through a whole mountain of work but a couple of days after that another avalanche descended. Essays and lab reports and response papers and a bunch of webcast lectures...I don't foresee this letting up anytime this month. Heck, it'll probably last till the end of the semester.

Ah, the webcast lectures...That one is my own dumb fault entirely. Ever since I found out that my Solid State Chemistry lectures were being webcasted, I've been, uh, cutting class. I'm normally pretty good about attending classes, but skipping lectures in favour of the webcasts sounded like a really good idea this time because 1) it's my lecture on Fridays, and taking about an hour and a half to get ready to attend a two-hour lecture and then taking another an hour to get home seems really inefficient when I can just stay home and watch in on video and 2) the lecturer is incredibly frustrating to listen to. He keeps reviewing certain topics about three times more than necessary, goes through others like the words aren't sitting well inside him and need to be vomited out and generally makes me want to headdesk a lot during his lectures. As if quantum mechanics wasn't difficult enough to wrap my brain around (see, when I picked this class in over the one actually named "Quantum Mechanics", it was with the intention of not seeing this crap again but nooo, can't escape quantum mechanics). At least with webcasts, I can now pause, then headdesk, so I don't have to miss anything important which would only add to my already considerable frustration.

What was my point again? Oh yeah - so I've been skipping, but I haven't actually been keeping up with the webcasts. I'm not terribly behind, but it's not really helping right now.

I want to write. So, so, bad. Or at least, lick those bunch of fics I've already written into postable shape. Everytime I stare at my desktop the urge to click on my fics folder is overwhelming. Sometimes I break...but then I feel too guilty to actually get any real writing done.

I did sneak some time to go make a Dreamwidth account though. I've got no intention of setting up base over there just yet, though. For now I'll just use it as a fic archive/dump. Dreamwidth feels like moving into a home in a newly-built estate - it's all nice and shiny and exciting, but then you realize that not a lot of other people have moved in, so it feels kinda...lonely. Not teeming with community posts and chatter (and inevitably, stupidity and crap) the way LJ is, whatever its faults may be. Not that I'm very good at being sociable on the Internet but it's actually kinda fun to lurk and see what other people are getting up to.

random, what i do when i should be studying, dreamwidth, school

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