A good day overall

Jan 20, 2009 19:31

Well other than my first block being the coldest one on record, it was AWESOME! It took us all of half an hour to 45 minutes to finish chores. I brought in Oscar to lunge him and then Captain to change his blanket to get fixed. Sue basically told me, "Do whatever you want, you're here all the time and I'm not keeping hours". She had to be in Shepherd by 9, so let me go home early! I thawed out a little and got dressed to go to school. Sigh.

I'm really tired of all the stupid Inauguration stuff. And now Scrubs isn't on ABC tonight because of the Inauguration Ball. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I could really give two shits about old white men stuffed into suits and shrewy women in ugly dresses. Bets on Hillary wearing another one of her hideous pant/skirt suits?!
Needless to say, I'm sure you've figured out by now that I'm a Conservative. However, I'm going to keep my thoughts to myself and leave it at, I don't agree with the policies he campaigned on and am slightly scared for our future.

sue, winter, captain, oscar

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