Score: 13-0 [Voice Forever || Sob, it's his pre-game post ;A;]

Jan 26, 2010 08:39

[You can hear a certain Blitzball derp sighing, and then push along, before sitting down somewhere and chuckling.]

Well, never thought this day would come. Jeez, the whole city's buzzing. It's pretty crazy, everyone's excited for the big game.

I mean, I know it's only been three and a half weeks since the whole Shadow thing we had going on, but still- this is my chance to shine. It may be the tournament, and it may be dedicated to my old man, but that's not gonna stop me! I've been practicing a lot, and making moves of my own, so that I can prove that I'm different than him, and that I'm not gonna let his "legend" overcome mine! [There's a wry sarcasm in his voice at the next sentence.] Not to mention I'm sure the fans would love to see some new action, especially the girls.

So, I'll definitely make sure the game gets recorded, for any of you guys who are interested. Maybe I can somehow even hook the community up while it's going on! That'd be pretty cool.

Well, I'm off for a little while, but I'll be back soon. Wish me luck!

[[SOB, HIS CANON STARTS TONIGHT. ;A; Also- Lii, Angel? Can we assume the Dork Squad met one more time before this, and before Ichigo went off to Soul Society? :>]]

brb being a derp, this is why they call me a star, derp derp, tournament tournament tournament, so excited!, blitzball, tidus you're a dork you know that?, gonna be the best, !canon move, i've been looking forward to this!

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